Monday, 29 June 2009

Lebih Pantas Jadi Caleg atau jadi Artis??

Menjadi Caleg inilah impian sebagian masyarakat kita sekarang(setidaknya saat awal awal pemilu kemarin) masyarakat entah itu dari kalangan artis maupun sipil berlomba untuk merebut kursi legislatif di DPR. mulai dari pria hingga wanita, dari yang jujur sampai yang menggunakan politik uang. semuanya berlomba untuk mendapatkan kursi di DPR maupun DPRD..Kira kira wanita cantik ini lebih pantas jadi

Important Tools for Blogging

Blogging is the way how we express our opinion about anything in purpose to let the world know what are we thinking about, actually as a blogger i start blogging a year ago and try to give my best in blogging. but how to be a great blogger?? to be a great blogger of course you need to own a blog.. you can make your free blog on blogspot or choose a self hosted wordpress blog.after you make a

Benefits of Web Directories in Growing your Business Website

What is the purpose of every website in the world?? the first thing is to bring a lot of traffic to their website especially if you make your own business website, because good traffic will bring you great income in advance. but however it's a little bit hard to get a massive source of traffic to your website, actually there's many ways you can try to bring a lot of traffic to your website,

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Enhance Your Sexual Life with Penis Extender

Size Does Matter!! that's a true myth, every woman will prefer the big and longer penis size than the small and short one, to lead a happy sexual life sometimes a man will think about their sexual organs, is it adequate for their couples?? so how to enlarge penis anyway? have you heard about the method to enhance penis size??If you were the man with a small penis size, now don't shy and don't

Friday, 26 June 2009

Online Tickets for Your Favorite Events

I found it very difficult to find a tickets for a particular event, whether it's a music concert, a sports match or the other exciting event. for some reasons i prefer to buy the tickets online because it will save my time a lot.As a sport lover especially a basketball lover, i have a favorite teams, that was Boston Celtics. as their biggest fans i usually need to know the news about them,

Kota Kota Termaksiat di Dunia

Dahulu kita pernah membahas mengenai kota kota neraka di dunia yang dengan detail menjelaskan tipe neraka apa yang ada di dalam suatu kota. begitu juga dengan kota kota terkotor di dunia.namun kini kita akan kembali menyusuri kota kota lainnya. kali ini dikenal dengan sebutan Kota Paling Maksiat di Muka bumi ini.. ingin tau kota apa saja yang termasuk di dalam list Kota Paling Maksiat di Atas

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Searching for a Best Myrtle Beach Resort

This is the best time for searching about the best place for our holiday, this mid year holiday might be wonderful in Myrtle Beach Resort. myrtle beach was one of the most beautiful beach in south Carolina which is also the best place to spend your holidays, Myrtle beach was listed into one of the top domestic tourist destinations in the continental United States.If you have a plan to spend your