Monday, 1 February 2010

Renungan Februari

Akhirnya tiba juga bulan februari.. tepat bulan ini aldi varius akan genap berumur 26 tahun. hufff.. tidak terasa sudah 1 tahun lebih saya menghabiskan waktu untuk blogging dan mencari duit melalui blog. walaupun hasilnya lumayan tapi tetap saja kita harus bisa memiliki sumber penghasilan lain..Sekarang ini saya sedang berfikir kira kira ide apa yang bisa saya coba untuk meningkatkan penghasilan

Monitoring the coverage on your life

One of the things we value is certainty and predictability. It would be good if everything stayed the same so that, once we have put everything in place, we could just lie back and let life pass us by. Unfortunately, life has a nasty habit of waking us up. If we are lucky, the plans we laid cover the emergency. If not, it's a case of picking up the pieces, working through the problems and

What is happening in Wisconsin?

It's easy to say what the law is - legislatures must write it down and publish it for all to read - but harder to live with its consequences. Looking across the US, all but three states have laws setting mandatory insurance levels for all vehicles on the road. Almost without exception, all these states also have laws making it a crime to drive a vehicle on a public road without a valid policy

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Romantisme Bulan Februari | Puisi Cinta Valentine

Februari akhirnya tiba, bulan februari adalah bulan paling romantis bagi pasangan muda mudi dimana ada suatu hari spesial yang namanya hari kasih sayang alias valentine. pada hari kasih sayang alias valentine ini, biasanya para remaja mengungkapkan kasih sayangnya pada hari valentine dengan kencan romantis ataupun seikat bunga atau juga sebatang coklat dan tentunya juga pesan pesan romantis nan

Planning to meet your family's health needs

As you grow up, you take your parent's health plan for granted. There always seems to be enough money around to pay for the treatment you need. Then comes the magic birthday. Suddenly you are 18 and you can start making your own decisions. Yet, there seems little incentive. You are fit and healthy. Why bother? Well, if there is no job with a health package thrown in, the earlier you begin

Life insurance for women

The role of women in society has changed dramatically over the last fifty years. We have moved from an expectation that girls will marry young, stay home and bring up children to a new world in which women are financially independent and less dependent on the decision-making powers of their fathers and "husbands". This has, in some ways, made life more difficult for women. They must now find

Planning renovation work

Although it may seen odd to talk about spending money on your property during a recession and a credit crunch, this is the time when you may be most at risk if you start changing things around. Let's start with a simple question. One of the results of this downturn has been a dramatic increase in the level of unemployment. So many more people have either found their hours cut or they are out