Saturday, 30 January 2010

Life insurance for women

The role of women in society has changed dramatically over the last fifty years. We have moved from an expectation that girls will marry young, stay home and bring up children to a new world in which women are financially independent and less dependent on the decision-making powers of their fathers and "husbands". This has, in some ways, made life more difficult for women. They must now find

Planning renovation work

Although it may seen odd to talk about spending money on your property during a recession and a credit crunch, this is the time when you may be most at risk if you start changing things around. Let's start with a simple question. One of the results of this downturn has been a dramatic increase in the level of unemployment. So many more people have either found their hours cut or they are out

Friday, 29 January 2010

Foto Bugil Ryan Jagal Jombang | Gambar Bugil Ryan Jombang

Ryan sang jagal jombang masih kembali membuat kontroversi, jika dulu kasusnya berkaitan dengan masalah pembunuhan, kini kasus terbarunya adalah beredarnya foto bugil ryan si jagal jombang. Ryan yang dikenal dengan nama Very Idham Henyansyah kini kembali menjadi buah bibir atas beredarnya foto syurnya.Ryan yang dikenal kemayu ini bahkan belum mengetahui tentang beredarnya foto bugil mirip dirinya

Individual plan health care services

What is an individual health insurance plan? If speaking technically, it is an agreement between the insurer and the customer regulating that the insurer will pay for listed customer's medical services in case of an emergency against a certain fine. But the main question that many people are asking is about the elements to be considered before going with such an individual health insurance

Which car models are the cheapest to insure?

There's a terrible temptation when you are looking to buy your first vehicle or replace what you currently drive. So many different factors come into play. A young man's dream car may be a babe magnet, others may have to move a family around town. No matter what your needs, the hard cold reality is the cost of insuring your choice. Never commit to buying a vehicle before you have used the

Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan Film Baru yang akan kena cekal MUI

Film Hantu Puncak Datang bulan yang rencananya akan tayang di bioskop tanggal 4 februari 2010 ini mungkin akan batal beredar ke masyarakat karena MUI sudah mengincar film ini. karena film komedi horror ini sarat akan adegan adegan seks!!. yang parahnya lagi sang pemeran film ini si andi soraya bahkan terang terangan membeberkan tips untuk beradegan syur ala andi soraya dalam film hantu puncak

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Musibah gebukan PR dari Google

Hueeks akhirnya salah satu blog saya kena gebuk oleh paman google akibat maen maen ma yang namanya review. lumayan juga deh dari PR 2 digebuk jadi PR 0. hiks... sedih gw... setelah beberapa tahun blog itu dipakai sebagai ujung tombak untuk mencari dollar. akhirnya kandas juga...Semoga tidak terjadi lagi dan semoga ini menjadi motivasi bagi saya, untuk semakin rajin mendevelop blog agar bisa