Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Employmentcrossing - Best Place to search for a Job

Every people needs a job, it's everyone's dream to get a great job in this economic recession era. several years ago people depends on newspapers ad to find a jobs but today people will use internet to search for a jobs. There's many way to find a job in the internet. one of the most popular way is searching a jobs from a site that give you the updated information about job

Best Deal Satellite TV in Your Local Area

With today's advanced technology now we can watch almost every television channel around the world using the satellite TV or often called as a Direct TV, anyway what is Direct TV meaning?? DirecTV is a direct broadcast satellite service based in El Segundo, California, which transmits digital satellite television and audio to households one of the best satellite TV provider

ELDER CARE in Horizoncareservice

Are you having problem to care your elder in your home?? don't have a time to care your beloved elder. now you can leave the ELDER CARE to the senior care professional on Horizoncareservices. they will help you to care your elder and senior in your own home or you can choose your own place to care the elder..You know Horizoncareservice is the trusted agency network for home

Monday, 4 January 2010

Mari Bercinta Aura Kasih ternyata Plagiat dari lagu Sean Paul

"Mari semua dansa denganku dekap aku dan hanyutkanku" sepertinya semuanya sudah akrab dengan refrain lagu mari bercinta milik aura kasih yang melambungkan nama aura kasih di belantika musik indonesia. namun sungguh sangat disayangkan jika lagu hits dari aura kasih ini ternyata plagiat dari lagu asing.Sebuah lagu dapat dikatakan plagiat dan meniru dari lagu lain jika ditemukan kesamaan not dan

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Pelajar kelas 1 SMP Bojonegoro Kepergok ML

Lagi!! Kembali kasus mesum menghinggapi generasi muda negeri ini, kali ini kasus ini menimpa dua orang pelajar SMP negeri 1 Bojonegoro, wah masih SMP aja sudah berani melakukan hal mesum seperti ini bagaimana dengan masa depan mereka yah?? sudah tidak terhitung berapa banyak video mesum karya anak bangsa yang beredar di internet, berapa banyak situs situs yang menyediakan Download 3gp Indonesia,

Friday, 1 January 2010

Rezeki di awal Tahun Baru 2010

Tahun telah berganti dari 2009 menuju 2010, banyak harapan dan doa terlantun untuk tahun 2010 seperti harapan untuk semakin sukses, semakin taat beribadah. sebenarnya setiap malam pergantian tahun seharusnya kita semua merenung, bahwa umur kita sudah semakin berkurang 1 tahun. begitu seterusnya makanya lebih baik dalam melewatkan malam tahun baru ada baiknya jika kita merenung dan berintrospeksi

Insurance coverage for new enterprises

When you set your mind on the development of your future business and compete for success there's a certain thing that you always have to remember about: risk. Risk is an inevitable part of any business enterprise no matter how "safe" it may look in theory. Just like your car may crash into another car, your business can become a victim of a natural disaster, legal liability or other risk