Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Experience the High Speed Internet Connection with Wildblue Satellite Internet

Every internet user's dream was having the fast internet connection, but unfortunately many high speed internet provider was really expensive. nowadays internet play a great role in our daily lifes. such for lifestyle, entertainment and also business. let's think what will happen if we only has a slow internet connection?? the high speed internet connection was really critical

Selendang Rockers | Candil Feat Igor Saykoji

Udah pada nonton belum nih film musikal nan lucu yang dibintangi oleh Candil, Igor Saykoji dan Ramzi?? film yang berceritakan tentang Grup Rock the Pankys yang akhirnya berganti aliran ke aliran musik melayu ini sungguh sangat menarik untuk disimak. banyak adegan adegan lucu dan sisi humor disini.THE PANKY, grup musik rock yang mulai turun pamornya, dimotori oleh Ipank, vokalis yang suka marah,

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Enhance your Home Security with ADT Security System

Nowadays we have to be more careful when we're leaving our homes. since the economic crisis there's many bad guy out there choose to be a burglars. and they will snap into your house when you're not home. but don't worry about it anymore. you can rely your home security with ADT Home Security System. with their smart technology ADT security system can help you prevent a burglar into your

Manipulate your Picture with Funny Effect on Picjoke

Now there's so many ways to create a photo manipulation, if in the past we have to master about a photoshop technique to make a photo manipulation, now we don't need it anymore. we can manipulate our picture or somebody Else's picture using an online photo manipulation sites. One of them was Picjoke.comPicjoke was the fun photo manipulation sites where you can add your picture

Monday, 2 November 2009

Video Mesum Mahasiswa UMM Malang | Download Video Mesum Mahasiswa UMM Malang

Video Mesum indonesia kini kembali beredar di internet. kini yang menjadi aktornya adalah mahasiswa sebuah perguruan tinggi di malang. Video mesra sepasang mahasiswa beredar dari file ke file. Rekaman itu menampilkan kedua pasangan muda-mudi ini bermesraan di bangku istirahat yang diduga berada di Kompleks Kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Jalan Raya Landungsari, Kota Malang.Ingin

Sunday, 1 November 2009

IM2 Broom Unlimited Review

Wah ga terasa udah 4 bulan pake IM2 Broom.. emang awalnya sih sebelum kuotanya habis browsing dan kegiatan blogging terasa menyenangkan dan lancar. yah iyalah secara speednya masih utuh 256kbps. apalagi kalau dipakai di daerah yang sinyalnya kuat. wuiih wuuzzz. wuzz wuzz de kencengnya. namun malapetaka itu hadir seketika disaat kuota anda melebihi batas yang diberikan oleh pihak IM2.IM2 Broom

Fun and Stylish Eye Glasses from Zenni Optical

The glasses now play a great role in fashion, many people uses an eye glasses to enhance their looks and style. not only for a stylish glasses, but some people nowadays can have a stylish prescription glasses to enhance their style. unfortunately sometimes when we go to the optic we found an expensive glasses. so how do we get the cheap and stylish glasses??If you really need a stylish glasses so