Saturday, 31 October 2009
Cinta Beda Usia?? Kakek 112 Tahun Menikahi ABG 17 Tahun
Cinta emang bener bener buta ya?? apapun bisa terjadi. perbedaan umur tidak menghalangi cinta. seperti yang dilakukan wook kundur ataupun mbah konah. kini ada lagi bukti cinta buta, alias cinta beda usia.. ini sih bukan cinta beda usia lagi. tapi cinta beda zaman.. seorang kakek asal somalia yang berusia 112 tahun menikahi seorang ABGRatusan orang menghadiri pernikahan di Somalia antara kakek
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Nenek 85 Tahun Nikahi Perjaka 35 Tahun!! Cinta memang Buta
Cinta.. cinta bisa membutakan mata manusia, karena cinta pula banyak orang rela berkorban, segala sesuatu akan jadi lebih indah karena cinta. cinta adalah motivasi seseorang untuk bertahan hidup.. masih ingat kan dengan kisah cinta unik antara wok kundur dan suami ke 22 nya si mohd nor?? dulu sih udah pernah saya bahas di blog ini.Memang Cinta itu Buta usia bukan jadi penghalang. jika dulu kita
Teh Ninih Menggugat Cerai Aa Gym?? | Aa Gym Di Gugat Cerai Teh Ninih
Hidup berpoligami seperti yang dilakukan oleh da'i Aa gym tampaknya tidaklah berjalan mulus, sejak memutuskan untuk berpoligami, Popularitas Aa Gym semakin menurun di kalangan wanita tentunya. nah kini mungkin para wanita yang kurang setuju dengan poligami bisa merasa lega atau tenang atau perasaan lainnya? hal ini dikarenakan Teh Ninih istri pertama Aa Gym menggugat cerai Aa.Kabarnya, istri
Your health knows what it needs
We are used to think we are healthy. It is good when it is also true, but most of the time we just fool ourselves by thinking that we don't need to see medics and check our health state because we are just fine. Maybe we are that it doesn't hurt to be hundred percent sure and know that tomorrow's medical bill won't be a problem. Most of us want to assure themselves with a medical insurance
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Best Poker Bonus at Bonus Internet Poker
If you was a person who love to play an online casino games especially poker games, then you have to go to this Best Poker Bonus in the Internet, usually a poker player seek for the biggest bonus. but unfortunately some casino require a deposit first before we can get a bonus from the poker games. sometimes we have to deposit $100 for getting $10.000 Bonus.. but the smart people will spend a free
Getting good insurance for a good car
Good car, good owner, good insurance If you care about your car enough to get it insured it means your car is lucky to have a good owner. A good car owner won't trust his car to any place there is. A good car owner will shop around for the best possible rate and a best possible company. There is a variety of companies you can find by clicking the sites everyday. Most of them offer quotes to
Keeping your vehicle protected
Automobile guarantee Being a driver I always wonder why there is no escape from paying hundreds ad hundreds of dollars on a car? Sometimes it seems to not matter what type of car you own, the design or the brand, the year or manufacturing country - you will always end up paying more than you were supposed to from the beginning. Why are the insurance policy ratings constantly increasing and
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Skandal Foto Hot Qory Sandioriva | Foto Hot Putri Indonesia 2009
Foto Hot Putri Indonesia 2009 Qory Sandioriva beredar!!!. kita semua tahu bahwa putri indonesia asal aceh ini menjadi sensasi saat dia melepaskan jilbabnya demi gelar putri indonesia.Kini Putri Indonesia 2009 ini kembali menuai sensasi. yaitu dengan bermunculannya foto foto hotnya di internet. Foto Hot Putri Indonesia 2009 memang bisa jadi menghebohkan karena Qory Sandioriva yang notabene berasal
Keeping your business protected from external risks
You are prosperous and you feel like the world is at your feet. Yes, many of us want to believe we own the success and we stand behind it alone. But in reality, there are people standing behind our back that are involved in our rises and falls. These people are the employees. Therefore you need to think of them as a part of your team that was there to get you to the top of the world. You
Monday, 26 October 2009
Metamrfosis Kangen Band | Solo karir Eren Kangen Band | Vokalis Wanita Berjilbab
Tentunya nama Kangen Band tidak lagi asing bagi para penikmat musik di indonesia. Kangen band adalah band asal lampung yang melejit dengan single mereka dulu "tentang aku engkau dan dia" anak anak lampung ini berhasil mendobrak tradisi musik indonesia dan membuktikannya bahwa teori musik tidaklah mutlak dibutuhkan untuk bisa eksis di industri musik indoneisa. pada awal kemunculannya kangen band
Practically perfect - practically in a day!
Nobody can insure himself from having an accident. But we can insure ourselves before any accident takes place so we have some protection that insurance company provides. If you are a driver with big experience or if you only need your automobile to drive short distances - you might think about insurance as a waste of money but wait before you decide it. Accidents can be expecting you
How to save on a safe home
In spite of fact that insurance is not a cheap entertainment, people seem to not stop requesting insurance quotes from Internet. By doing so, most citizens try to satisfy their needs in getting their house protected from any type of events that are related to disasters and unhappiness. When you get a quote online, you feel like you stay in touch with the reality. You have a possibility to
Sunday, 25 October 2009
What is the reason behind changing your current insurance company?
Lots of us that dream a perfect car don't know how difficult is to handle one that costs lots of money and looks like million dollars. A good car should have a good insurance in a package with it but unfortunately it doesn't always happen like that. What does the idea of a perfect insurance imply? The definition is probably the following - the perfect insurance is the one that gives the full
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Jangan Remehkan Blog Blogspot - Revolusi Template Blogspot
Banyak sekali praktisi praktisi internet berbicara "jangan andalkan blogspot untuk mencari uang di internet, ada juga yang bilang "ah blogspot ga bisa di kustomisasi" atau juga "Blogspot templatenya jelek jelek".. eiits tunggu dulu. itu semua tidak benar sama sekali. tidak benar yang beranggapan kalau blog dari blogspot tidak bisa unntuk di monetisasi. banyak kok buktinya blogger yang
Pernikahan Ala Kaisar Cina sang Manusia Tertinggi Bao Xishun
wuiih luar biasa pesta pernikahan si bao xishun ini. bao xishun merupakan salah satu manusia tertinggi di dunia. dengan tinggi badan 2.63cm Bao Xishun bisa dikategorikan sebagai salah satu manusia tertinggi di dunia. Bao xishun melangsungkan pernikahannya ala kaisar cina dengan tradisi mongoliaBao Xishun (lahir tahun 1951), seorang penggembala, salah satu manusia tertinggi di dunia (2,36 meter),
Friday, 23 October 2009
Making a friend out of your insurance company
We judge everything by the price. Of course, quality does matter as well but price is the major motivation. When we see something that is discounted or reduced we get happy. But businessmen can assure you price is not the most important aspect. Judging by the price is not the best we can do. There insurance plans that seem like a perfect opportunity they are good in price and easily
Does your insurance cover your interest?
Is your insurance representative in your team? When we think about the idea of having our own shelter it brings shivers down our spine, mostly because we all want to have our own house and be able to do whatever we want in it. When we choose the location and think the payment over it gives us happiness and sadness at the same time. There can be a few different reasons for that. We are scared
Insuring your life over 20 years
Before you say anything, let us inform you about your life insurance. When it comes to a life insurance your possibilities vary. No matter how much you trust yourself in making the right decision, you should never let yourself get caught up in a trap. Sometimes the best offers can be found when nothing else seems to work. If you are a smart shopper you will always know to research before you
Setelah Maria ozawa lalu Siapa Lagi? Akankah Denise Milani??
Gaung nama maria ozawa alias miyabi memang masih kencang terdengar di seantero indonesia terkait dengan rencana kedatangannya yang berujung batal akibat banyaknya penolakan dan juga pencekalan dari bangsa indonesia. hal ini secara langsung membuat miyabi alias maria ozawa bersedih dan stress sehingga dia sempat berkata seperti "Apa dosa saya kepada bangsa indonesia?" atau "Saya salah apa kepada
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Satu Lagi Tanda Kebesaran Allah - Tulisan Al Quran di Tubuh Balita asal Russia
Subhanallah.. maha suci allah.. memang tanda tanda kebesaran allah tidak bisa diragukan, begitu banyak tanda tanda kebesaran Allah yang telah dan akan dimunculkan di jagad muka bumi kita ini. masih ingat dengan kemunculan lafadz2 Allah di langit, di telur, daging dan berbagai macam tempat lainnya.. kini ada lagi sebuah peristiwa spektakuler.. yaitu munculnya tulisan ayat Al Qur-an di tubuh
Vibealot the best Adult Toy Store in the Net
Many people out there love to make a new breakthrough in their sexual life. they have to do that to avoid the boredom in their sexual life with their couples. one of them is by using a sex toys in their bed plays.Where is the best plays for searching the best adult toy in the internet?? you can find the best collection of adult toys in vibealot. they offer you a vibrators,
Monday, 19 October 2009
Mencekal Maria Ozawa - Benarkah Maria Ozawa berwajah Mesum??
Miyabi lagi miyabi lagi.. emang ga pernah habis nih gaung nama sang superstar porno dari negeri sakura ini. walaupun maria ozawa alias miyabi batal datang ke indonesia untuk membintangi film menculik miyabi dikarenakan adanya protes keras dari ormas ormas di indonesia dan juga dengan adanya gerakan anti miyabi dan poster poster penolakan keras terhadap maria ozawa.Akhirnya Batal Juga miyabi
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Alat Bantu Seks Wanita Terbaru - Sqweel
Emang ga pernah ada habisnya ya inovasi manusia akan hasrat seksual, banyak sekali inovasi inovasi seksual yang diciptakan oleh manusia untuk memuaskan hasrat yang satu ini. mulai dari alat bantu seks semacam dildo, vibrator, sex doll dan masih banyak lagi.Dulu saya pernah posting mengenai alat bantu oral seks model baru dan juga boneka seks berbentuk selebritis. mungkin bagi anda yang suka akan
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Darakula Band - Kuburan Band Versi Wanita
Siapa sih yang ga kenal dengan band kuburan? band yang populer dengan hit Lupa Lupa ingat ini mempunyai penampilan yang unik dan aneh seperti layaknya badut di jaman ria jenaka dulu. namun kalau menurut saya pribadi kuburan band banyak mengambil konsep make up milik band kiss. tahu kan band kiss?? umumnya band yang berpenampilan seperti ini membawakan aliran musik metal ataupun black metal namun
A few tips for a casino player
Distractions When you're walking upon the casino's floor to start your gambling session, holding your perspective is significant. All the miscellaneous things in casino kind of hypnotize a lot of gamblers. Casinos want it. So, you have to stay cool and keep an unclouded mind. Walk around for five or ten minutes before you sit down to play. Survey in mind your purposes for this session while
Monday, 12 October 2009
Pain Relief for Back Pain and Arthritis on Pain Relief Reviews
I'm sure that every people want to gain a healthy body but with our works and mobility sometimes we had a health problem. for example now i suffer a back pain, it was really hurt. i felt it was an Upper back pain, this pain is felt between the bottom of the neck and top of the lumbar spine. The upper spine is very strong and stable to support the weight of the upper body, as well as to anchor the
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Stephen Gately Boyzone Meninggal Dunia
Dunia Entertainment kembali kehilangan salah satu anggotanya. setelah belum lama ini Michael Jackson meninggal dunia kini salah satu personel boys band jadul Boyzone juga menyusul Michael Jackson ke Alam sana.. dia adalah Stephen GatelyStephen Gately Meninggal - Kabar duka dari dunia tarik suara kembali berduka, pasalanya salah satu personel Boyzone Boy Band asal Irlandia Stephen Gately Meninggal
Employee Drug Test Kits
Sometimes a job candidates should pass some test before they can obtain the job, one of them is a drug test. several people was worrying about this test, moreover if in the past they was involved with drugs. but some of them can play trick for you to make sure that they was "clean" but actually they still involved with drugs.If you want to make sure the accurate result from them why don't you use
Friday, 9 October 2009
Satellite Internet by Wild Blue Internet
I was tired with slow internet connection in my home. it's really annoying, i can't open the streaming video sites with this slow connection. actually i used a dial up connection for my house internet connection. one day my friends come to my house and told about his internet connection, he said that he used to a dial up internet user before but not now, he migrates his internet connection into
Artis Hollywood yang Terlihat Seperti Pelacur
Pelacur adalah istilah yang biasa digunakan untuk para wanita nakal yang bercinta dengan sembarang pria demi mendapatkan uang. setidaknya itulah definisi dari kata pelacur yang saya pahami.Biasanya para artis terutama artis artis hollywood mengedepankan penampilan mereka dan juga gaya fashion mereka dan berebut menjadi seorang trendsetter namun ada kalanya gaya yang mereka tonjolkan malah
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Ratu 11 Zaman Ratu Elizabeth II
Presiden boleh berganti namun ratu yang satu ini tetap abadi yah setidaknya hingga di usia tua nya. Ratu Elizabeth adalah ratu inggris yang mulai menjabat sebagai ratu inggris sejak tahun 1952 hingga sekarang ini. Ratu Elizabeth II juga merupakan ratu yang paling lama bertahta hingga saat ini.. kira kira 56 tahun. dia juga mencatat rekor sebagai kepala monarki yang paling lama bertahta..Berikut
Portable Content Networking by Smallrivers
Every Blogger should know the importance of a social networking in their blogging activities, it really help a lot in finding a new friends who has the same interest like us. we can discuss about the topic with the people in the social networking sites who has the same topic with us.In Blogging Activities we listed our friends in a traditional blog rolls to indicate our friendship, and our
Get your Most Wanted Gadget in This Unique Auction Site
It's really interesting to buy a things in an auction site. you can get your wanted items with really affordable price if you won the bid. you can get a new branded things or either a used items on the auction site. there's many auction site in the internet today. one of them was is a unique auction site where you can get many new gadgets with really cheap price if you won
Experience an Electronic Cigarettes
This is really amazing, I was shocked when i know this, i have to admit that in this modern days all the technology was very advanced, for example is the existence of an e cigarettes. what the heck is that?? an electronic cigarettes?? i don't think if this things like that was invented. the e cigarettes is a battery-powered device that provides inhaled doses of nicotine by heating a
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
High Quality Residential Mailboxes
Almost every home in America and Europe has their own mailboxes to keep the incoming mails. this is very important stuff if we're not at home and suddenly a mail come into our house. i start to think to get it one for my home. but where can i buy the Residential Mailboxes for my home??After i searching in the internet, i found a great mailbox store called Mailboxixchange. they was the biggest
Check Someones Criminal Background by Integrascan
In this hard economic condition the crime rate was increased, such as theft, money scams and many other criminal. if you work in a personal manager in an office and need to check your employee background. you can use this great tools from intergrascan. IntegraScan is an instant criminal records and background checks that can search someone's criminal records. it's really helpful to do an employee
Using Web Directories to Enhance your SEO performance
Every webmaster want to get the first position in the Google Search, but unfortunately there's many thing that we have to consider before doing that one of them is the importance of SEO technique. there's many thing inside SEO technique, one of them is the inbound link count. we have to get many inbound links to our website with your chosen keyword. let's say if you have a website about Web
New Online Games - Aion Alliance
Several Years ago i really enjoy to play an online games, every people love to play a games for their entertainment, but some of them may be a game addict who can't live without playing games.It's really fun and exciting spending our free times to play a games, moreover an online games, there's a lot of online games in the internet today, one of them is Aion Alliance. have you heard about this
Make Money through Your Hobby
With the internet now everything can be done, searching a new music, download a new video until make money in the internet, yeah now it's possible to make money online with internet. actually until now i can prove it if make money online from your hobby is possible, for example if you have a soccer as your hobby and you have plenty of soccer wallpaper now you can make it to make money by making a
Koleksi Foto Terbaru Maria Ozawa AKA Miyabi
Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan Maria Ozawa AKA Miyabi?? akhir akhir ini nama miyabi semakin marak diperbincangkan masyarakat indonesia sehubungan dengan rencana kedatangannya ke indonesia untuk bermain film komedi berjudul "Menculik Miyabi" Begitu banyak kontroversi yang terjadi sehubungan dengan issu ini, mulai dari aksi pencekalan kedatangannya oleh MUI, oleh SBY dan bahkan juga oleh ustadz
Monday, 5 October 2009
Blog Advertising in Blogadvertisingstore
Do you have a website?? if you are the webmaster who needs to develop your website by buying a review for your site, so you can buy it at every webmaster should know if the links is the essential stuff in the internet marketing.There's many way to got the backlinks for your website, either by buying a direct link from a publisher, an advertiser can buy a review for their
Stanford Wong - Blackjack Hall Of Fame
Stanford Wong self-published his first book, Professional Blackjack, in 1975. It was later published by the Gambler's Book Club in Las Vegas, then revised and expanded numerous times and published by Wong's own company, Pi Yee Press. Wong is widely known as one of the best analysts of systems and ways for beating the casinos. In his first book, he described a never-before-revealed
Edward O. Thorp
Edward Oakley Thorp is widely regarded, by professional players as well as the general public, as the Father of Card Counting. It was in his book, Beat the Dealer, first published in 1962, that he presented his Ten-Count system, the first powerful winning blackjack system ever made available to the public. All card-counting systems in use today are variations of Thorp's Ten-Count. When
Blackjack Hall Of Fame - Keith Taft
Keith Taft is not well known to the general public, but professional blackjack players know him as an electronics genius who has spent more than thirty years devising high-tech equipment-computers, video cameras, and communication devices - to beat the casinos. Blackjack was his initial and prime target. His first blackjack computer, which he completed in 1972, weighed fifteen pounds. Over
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Global Chat Forums The Friendly Discussion Forums
Everyone should know about Internet Message Boards or we know the terms as Internet forums, there's many benefit in joining a discussion forums, the first things is we can add many new friends which has the same interest like us. for example if we like to play an online games, why don't we join a game forum in the internet so we can discuss anything about the games and also we can add a new
Model Persia paling Kontroversial Aylar Lie
Negeri Persia memang memiliki banyak sekali wanita cantik, khususnya di republik islam iran. kecantikan khas wanita timur tengah di bangsa persia ini seakan tercoreng akibat ulah seorang model bernama Aylar Lie.Pernah dengar nama ini?? Aylar Lie alias Sharareh Dianati adalah model berdarah persia (Iran) yang berkiprah di norwegia dan sempat menjadi Miss Norwegia pada tahun.. namun pada akhirnya
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Best Advanced Home Security by ADT
Several months ago i don't concern too much about my house security, i think there's nothing to worry about. there's no burglar, no robbery or any other bad things that can caused unwanted result to my home. but several weeks ago i start to think about it. because there's a car theft on my neighbor house. i started to think about the advanced security system for my house.after searching in the
Friday, 2 October 2009
Download your favorite Streaming Video with Voydo
It's really fun spending my time by watching the online videos in the internet, especially in Youtube. Youtube is one of my favorite streaming videos sites.As a people who love to watch a new videos at youtube i always searching for the best youtube downloader all over internet, and I've found this great sites which give a great service for every people who love a streaming videos.the name of the
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