Monday, 28 September 2009

10 Wanita Berpayudara Diatas Normal

Selamat Merayakan Idul Fitri, nah setelah sebulan kita menahan mata untuk tidak melihat yang indah indah bagaimana kalau sekarang varius memberikan sesuatu yang indah di hari ini??Lagi lagi mengenai payudara, memang bagian tubuh wanita yang paling indah ini menarik untuk diperbincangkan, jika beberapa waktu lalu varius pernah memposting mengenai wanita wanita dengan payudara terbesar, lalu

Alasan Menculik Miyabi AKA Maria Ozawa

Lagi lagi Maria Ozawa alias Miyabi, memang nama superstar porno asal jepang ini tidak akan habis untuk dibahas, selain memang lagi hot setelah kabar rencana kedatangannya ke indonesia untuk membintangi film "menculik miyabi" Maria Ozawa adalah salah satu topik paling hangat dan favorit di internet saat ini. begitu banyak orang indonesia yang mencari informasi mengenai miyabi alias Maria

Advanced Home Security System by ADT

In this bad economic condition the crime rate was improved whether it's a robbery, a thievery and many more criminal act that will threaten your house security. imagine if you're far away from home and your house was in danger because of those thief. to avoid all those unwanted event i suggest you to try the best home security system by ADT.ADT is no 1 Home Security Company in USA today, with

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Find the Cheapest Pearl Jewelry on Oriental Pearls

Almost every woman loves jewelry, they love many objects of beauty such as pearls.The finest quality natural pearls have been highly valued as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries, and because of this, the word pearl has become a metaphor for something very rare, very fine, very admirable, and very valuable.Unfortunately this kind of beauty jewelry is really expensive, if you want

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Berburu Rejki Paid Review di Linkfromblog

Sepertinya para blogger matre kini semakin kebanjiran pilihan untuk menghasilkan dollar secara online, kini sudah ada lagi program menarik untuk mengumpulkan dollar yaitu Linkfromblog.Sejujurnya saya juga baru mendaftar di program ini dengan alasan sedang mencara oportunitas baru untuk menghasilkan uang dari program paid review. sebelum mengikuti program linkfromblog aldi varius sudah melakukan

Get your Right Channels with My TV Options

Every people love watching TV, all of them need an entertainment after they back from office. but sometimes we feel bored with the local TV channels. do you want to experience the new way of watching TV??Have you ever heard about My TV Options before?? this company was the Satellite Directv dealer. you can choose your desired program with them either a Sports channel, movie channel or even an

Menculik Maria Ozawa vs Menculik Wiandra Devi Ozawa

Masih santer di dunia blogger pembahasan mengenai rencana kedatangan maria ozawa AKA miyabi ke indonesia untuk membintangi film karya raditya dika yang berjudul menculik miyabi. begitu banyak pertentangan dan kontroversi yang terjadi terkait dengan isu tersebut mulai dari pencekalan maria ozawa hingga gossip tentang ustad yusuf mansyur yang ingin menceramahi maria ozawa AKA miyabi.Banyak pendapat

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Shalat Id Ala Superhero | Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri | Selamat Hari Lebaran

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu akbar.. Laa ilaa ha ilallah wallahu akbar.. allahu akbar walillahilham.. Begitulah Kumandang Takbir yang menggema di malam idul fitri yang selalu dikumandangkan oleh umat muslim diseluruh dunia. Di malam yang Fitri ini Izinkanlah Saya Aldi Varius untuk Mengucapkan Taqaballahu Minna wa Minkum Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin Mohon Maaf Lahir Dan Batin untuk para Blogger

Friday, 18 September 2009

Menculik Miyabi | Maria Ozawa AKA Miyabi Diculik Ke Indonesia

Sepertinya berita mengenai rencana kedatangan maria ozawa AKA miyabi yang akan datang ke indonesia untuk membintangi Film yang berjudul Menculik Miyabi banyak menyedot perhatian dan tanggapan dari berbagai pihak termasuk juga Ustadz Yusuf Mansyur yang kabarnya ingin menasehati Maria Ozawa agar bertobat dan berhenti dari kiprahnya sebagai artis porno terlaris dunia.Maria Ozawa alias Miyabi,

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Romansa di dalam Hati yang Terluka

Cinta terdapat pada setiap jiwa, setiap manusia mendapatkan anugrah berupa cinta. Cinta bersembunyi di dalam palung hati terdalam manusia, bagaimana untuk mewujudkan cinta adalah suatu hal yang patut kita gali. Ungkapan pertama saya bahwa cinta terdapat di setiap jiwa, walaupun dalam kegelapan namun cahaya cinta tetap ada. Romansa akan tetap menyala walau dalam kegelapan dan suasana hati yang

Payout dari Shareapic = LAMA!!!

Siapa sih yang tidak senang mengetahui bahwa account shareapic nya sudah bisa di cairkan.. namun sayang seribu sayang ternyata pencairan dana dari shareapic memakan waktu yang amat sangat lama.. yah dari pemberitahuan yang saya dapat dari forum shareapic bahwa payment yang sudah di request baru akan dibayarkan ke account paypal kita 30 hari semenjak kita merequest payout.Huh sungguh menjengkelkan

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

My TV Option for the Best Satelite TV Providers

Every people need an entertainment in their home to release the stress after working and do many activities. watching TV is one of the best option for that. moreover if you try a Direct TV. as the best Satellite TV Providers. My TV Options give you many great options, one of them is Movie Options, HDR Channel or many other great options. where you can enjoy more than 50 channels with an

Buying Camera Online for Photographer

A Camera should be a vital things for every photographers. beside for a hobby those camera was a life for them because they can earn some money from their hobby. moreover if they was a journalist. nowadays there's many great camera models in the world either for a digital camera or a Digital SLR camera. where is the best place for buying all of them?? if you want to get it fast and buy the camera

Keuntungan dan Resiko Memiliki Payudara Besar

Payudara adalah bagian tubuh wanita yang menjadi idola para lelaki, payudara menjadi fantasi seksual pria terbesar, umumnya para pria melirik wanita berpayudara besar, entah itu di bioskop, di mall ataupun di restoran. sudah menjadi hal yang lumrah bagi seorang pria untuk membandingkan payudara wanita. nah beberapa bulan yang lalu di Varius pernah membahas

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Brief Information about Debt Consolidation

Many people with bad credit history usually takes a debt consolidation loans to pay off their credits. but anyway what is debt consolidation. in the brief explanation given from it was said that debt consolidation is a technique to gathering all of your credit card debt, loans and other unsecured loans into a single loan to pay, so you can pay all your debt in a single loan

Get your Safety Equipment in Discount Safety Gear

"Safety First" all the people will say like that too. in all works we have to think about the safety first is that right??Every people need a safety equipment for their activities. especially for those who work in the construction area. the people who work there usually wear a bump cap. not only for those who work in the construction but every people who work in the factory, and also people who

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Hamilnya Sheila Marcia - Siapa yang Menghamili Sheila Marcia ??

Mungkin publik indnesia sekarang sedang heboh membicarakan tentang siapakah sebenarnya yang menghamili sheila marcia?? beberapa pekan lalu sheila marcia kembali menetap di hotel prodeo akibat kasus narkoba nya.. wah kalau saya jadi orang tua sheila marcia sih saya sudah pasti akan menggantungnya karena beberapa kali membuat malu nama keluarga mulai dari kasus narkoba nya dan juga kasus kehamilan

What is in the pipeline for reform of health care?

The new Administration is taking over facing an unprecedented economic crisis. The country is already deep in debt and proposes to spend billions more to help prevent a long-lasting recession. Looking overseas, the war in Iraq still has eighteen months to run and there is no end to the war in Afghanistan in sight. So some would argue this is not a good time to start proposing major changes to

Friday, 11 September 2009

Kopi Bisa Bikin Kualitaas Sperma Buruk

PRIA yang menyimpan kebiasaan meminum kopi tampaknya sudah mulai waspada. Pasalnya, kopi memberikan kontribusi besar untuk mengurangi sperma kaum pria.Menurut berita yang dilansir The Sun, majalah New Scientist merilis informasi bahwa zat kimia dalam kafein dapat mengurangi jumlah sperma. Zat dimaksud adalah phytoestrogen, yaitu zat kimia yang berasal dari tanaman. Untuk mencegah efek buruk dari

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Mortgage Loans for Your Housing Needs

Owning a house should be everyone's dream but in this hard economic conditions it seems that we have to struggle harder to get those dream. but don't worry if you need that house as soon as possible why don't you borrow a money in the bank to make your dream house come true??Nowadays there are many types of loans and with different purposes. Like the mortgage loans. mortgage loans is a loan that

Plasma Sperm Alat untuk Mengecek Kekuatan Sperma Anda

Kami pernah membahas satu produk dari Jepang yang sangat "aneh" yaitu KOKOPYU, semacam kaca pembesar portabel untuk melihat aktifitas atau kinerja dari sperma.Nah, yang satu ini, Plasma Sperm mempunyai fungsi yang hampir sama dengan KOKOPYU kecuali pembesaran bisa dilakukan sampai 1200x (sedangkan KOKOPYU hanya 1000x).Alat ini memang berguna bagi sebagian orang, terutama pasangan yang belum

Which is better, playing in a casino or playing online?

There's one game that will forever be associated with casinos - it's not called the "king of casino games" for nothing. The reason? Perhaps it's the simplicity. Someone spins the wheel, releases the ball, "Where will it fall? No-one knows!" There's the noise as the ball is thrown against the direction of spin. It rolls around the wood framing the the wheel, slowly losing momentum, edging down

Gambling in the US

The legislature in Delaware has just approved a new law expanding the gambling opportunities in that state. It was almost immediately signed into law by the Democratic Governor who is looking at a major hole in the state budgets and needs additional revenue to help fill it. The new law is intended to allow table games, i.e. blackjack, craps and the "King of Casino Games", to be played at the

What is a Rake Race?

The rake is that drip, drip of fees deducted from every pot you play (and, sometimes, from the entry fees you pay for tournaments or other "special events"). All the regular players who get into the action in the small to medium sized pots have already signed up for a rebate. To add extra excitement to those players, some sites run races - usually over a calendar month - awarding points for

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Comparing The Best Hosting Sites at Findmyhosting

It's not be a secret anymore if every people who want to start their own website either it for a personal website or sometimes we call it's a blog or even for a commercial website must have a domain name and also the place to store all their files and data or in the other word we can call it a hosting sitesBefore finding a best hosting place we need to do a research about the quality of the

Credit rating won’t affect your loan!

Everybody knows loans can be different. It is also clear that there are many types of loans that could be suitable for this or that client. There are loans that are called unsecured and those are sold for the particular restriction of lenders as known as unsecured borrowings and so on. But what if there to do if you simply need a loan of a couple hundred dollars and you need it right now?

Monday, 7 September 2009

Lawrence Revere - Blackjack Hall of Fame

Lawrence Revere was both a serious player and talented author. He died in 1977. His only book, Playing Blackjack as a Business, initially published in 1969, is still in print. If you look at the "true count" methods that was employed pre-Revere, you will see why Revere's name was placed into the hall of fame. The earlier methods were cumbersome and mentally fatiguing to use. In the second

Max Rubin - Blackjack Hall Of Fame

Max is the author of Comp City, first published in 1994, with an expanded second edition published in 2002. In this groundbreaking book, Max exposed techniques even non-counting players could use to get an advantage over the casinos using weaknesses in the casinos' comp systems. This information came from his years of experience in the industry as a dealer, pit boss, and casino manager. Max

Things to think about when shopping for insurance

It is all too easy to run your life on autopilot. You managed to get up into the air on your own as you came into adulthood. You punched in the destination code and then clicked the switch. Life was up above the clouds, running swift and true across the skies. Decisions were made by routine. Nothing changed because the machine was in charge and it was steering you to your destination. Then a

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Now the Obama Administration is proposing big changes

Ambition is a wonderful thing when it pays off. How many times have we watched a slugger walk up to the plate, look the pitcher in the eye, and lift an arm to point where the ball is going to land somewhere in the next state, only to strike out? Well, the new President has just stepped up to the plate. We have the TARP bailout plan carried over from the last Administration. The new Stimulus

Is rakeback poker for me?

The general answer is probably yes. Every player pays some rake no matter which version of poker is played and no matter how the game is played. But the choice is individual. The majority of people in the online poker rooms only play the game for fun. They are just looking to get the maximum enjoyment out of their gambling dollars. Most will not know about the rake and have no immediate interest

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Gadis Kanibal Pemakan Daging Sendiri dari Situbondo

Gadis Asal Situbondo Hobi Makan Dagingnya SendiriPredikat manusia kanibal tak hanya dimiliki Sumanto. Di Jawa Timur lebih hebat lagi, lantaran yang menjadi manusia kanibal masih berusia 19 tahun, yakni Ningsih, yang tinggal di Dusun Gumuk, Desa Gelung, Kecamatan Panarukan, Situbondo. Sejak balita dia sudah hobi makan dagingnya sendiri. Bagaimana bisa?Ningsing tinggal di rumah yang begitu

Friday, 4 September 2009

What is the rake?

There are many things that make poker the best game to play - more skill, more fun - but the key advantage is that you are up against the other players around the table and, over time, the best players will win as the luck evens out and the skill takes over. Unlike blackjack and the other table games, there's no house edge to give the casino operator a guaranteed percentage. You take your

Life for drivers in Massachusetts stays fair

When you live in a capitalist country, it's easy to think that free market competition keeps the consumer safe. If anything goes wrong, the consumer can simply change to another supplier and, at a stroke, the problem is solved. Except life does not have to work in a fair way. When large insurance corporations are looking to make a profit to keep their shareholders happy, they do not think of

When does gender matter behind the wheel?

There's a sobering saying, "The female of the species is more deadly than the male." It first surfaced in a poem by Rudyard Kipling and achieved international recognition through the "shock shock horror" song by Space. Taken literally when applied to humanity, it suggests women are more likely to kill you than men. Except, when it comes to driving, this is almost certainly not true. There's a

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Gairah Seks Menyimpang - Nymphomaniac

Pernah dengar istilah ini, nggak? Bagi orang awam yang sedikit ngeh, nymphomania sering disamakan sebagai keadaan saat seorang wanita yang tahan bercinta dengan siapa saja selama berjam-jam tanpa kenal lelah.Menurut istilah medis, nymphomania tidak dapat disamakan dengan sifat seseorang yang senang bersanggama tanpa pilih-pilih pasangan. Seorang wanita bisa saja hobi berhubungan seks dengan siapa

Raise your income with Basic Strategy Plus

While you might gain in during one particular day, in the long you will probably grind yourself down if you play long and often enough. An enhanced basic strategy - also called Basic Strategy Plus - is essential for you to accelerate from being an average player to being a serious recreational player who has better chanced to win over the long periods. To lower the small edge against you with

Types of cash loans

If you are looking for some cash loan there are several forms out there on the market that you can apply for. If you know the difference between each type of loan, it can save you much time and use the financial scheme that suits your exact needs. In general, these types of loans are divided into two major categories: retail and internet lending. Outside these two major categories there are

Spotting flood-damaged cars

When you have your car captured by flood, you might be thinking once it gets dry it will simply be delivered to the salvage yard. Well, lets consider this possibility in detail. You don't need some special education recognizing a car damaged by flood. If the car was staying out in the sun and it's doors were closed, its interior will be having a strong mildewed smell. Bad aromas appear due to

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

15 Anak pun Bisa Bahagia!!!

Setiap harinya keluarga Jeub tidak pernah sepi disebabkan pasangan Chris Jeub dan Wendy Jeub ini dikarunia 15 orang anak. Kesemuanya tinggal di satu atap di Colorado, Amerika Serikat. Meski demikian penghuni rumah ini tetap akur saja.Sebagaimana diberitakan Xinhua, Kamis (23/7) pasutri ini dikaruni 15 anak dan meski demikian mereka mengaku hidupnya tetap bahagia dan menerima itu kehadiran anak