Thursday, 31 December 2009
Why would you shop for home insurance online?
There are many sites offering online insurance shopping possibilities these days, and it seems that people are leaning towards using them more extensively. Of course, insurance brokers and agents are still out there but online insurance providers are taking their share of the distribution chain with more users preferring to shop for home insurance online, rather than contacting a
Menyongsong Tahun Baru 2010
Tidak terasa 2009 tinggal menghitung jam saja. pertanda sebentar lagi kita akan memasuki tahun baru 2010. dan alhamdulillah blog revarius opinion ini tetap aktif hingga hari ini. memang yang namanya ngobrol seputar bisnis online tidak akan pernah sirna. selalu dan selalu akan bermunculan cara cara baru mencari uang secara online.Alhamdulillah selama setahun ini varius sudah bisa menikmati
Tips on keeping your small business protected
If you don't work for a company with more than 200 people in it, your business might be considered small. Yes, standards have changed and now we are facing the truth that is called - big business world - the world where people run big companies and make big money. If you are the owner of a big business you can consider yourself a gambler, as you constantly risk something. I can either bring
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
George Aditjondro Pukul Ramadhan Pohan dengan Buku Gurita Cikeas
Kasus pemukulan george aditjondro terhadap Ramadhan Pohan dengan menggunakan Buku Gurita Cikeas pada acara bedah buku Gurita Cikeas telah menjadi salah satu berita terhangat saat ini. Berita Ramadhan Pohan Dipukul George Aditjondro ini merupakan insiden yang terjadi saat pra peluncuran buku membongakar gurita cikeas yang dilakukan hari ini di Doekoen Cafe, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan dan berikut
Filling a home insurance claim
The least pleasant and most stressful moments of home insurance is of course filing a claim. Insurance companies are rarely happy to receive a claim from their customers, although it their direct job to handle these things. And most people, especially when having and insurance situation for the first time, are quite nervous about contacting the company. To make it a bit easier both for you
Raising of auto insurance premium rates in Wisconsin.
Will Wisconsin become a trend? The world is always a complicated place. What should be simple turns out to be hard. What should be obvious turns out to be obscure. Logic tells us that when the law says everyone should buy something, this should make for a bigger market. When the market is bigger, the prices should fall. In the case of insurance, this should be even more true. The whole point
Helpful tips on buying cars: new and used
You can be a fussy costumer or a simple easy believer when you make purchases. It doesn't matter too much as long as you remain happy with your purchases. But there are always two sides to the story. If we discuss cars there can only be two types of shoppers. There first type will go to a dealer, pick a car and ask for the price. But there is also a category of shoppers that will ask for the
Gusdur Meninggal Dunia | Gusdur Wafat
Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. telah berpulang ke rahmatullah mantan presiden republik indonesia. KH. Abdurahman Wahid atau yang akrab disapa gusdur. gusdur menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya tanggal 30 desember 2009 pukul 18.40 WIB di RSCM.Gusdur wafat sesaat setelah presiden SBY menjenguknya. selamat jalan gusdur..Meninggalnya Gus Dur dibenarkan sekretaris pribadinya, Sulaiman Rabu 30 Desember
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Kebakaran Blok M Plaza | Kasus Kebakaran di Blok M Plaza
Pagi tadi warga jakarta khususnya sekitar Blok M plaza dikejutkan dengan peristiwa kebakaran yang menimpa basement Blok M plaza Penyebab kebakaran di basement Blok M Plaza, Jakarta Selatan, pada Rabu 30 Desember 2009 pagi, yakni meledaknya sebuah trafo listrik.“Pihak Blok M Plaza menyatakan kalau penyebabnya karena trafo meledak,” kata Sanak Tri, petugas Suku Dinas Kebakaran Jakarta
MUI Cekal Film Suster Keramas | Suster Keramas dicekal MUI
Akhirnya film kontroversial yang ditunggu tunggu oleh para pecinta film indonesia yaitu Suster keramas yang menampilkan artis porno asal jepang yaitu rin sakuragi dicekal oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia alias MUI atas dasar film itu tidak mendidik dan bisa merusak moral generasi muda. setidaknya inilah yang diutarakan oleh Ketua MUI Samarinda KH Zaini NaimFilm Suster Keramas ini dicekal oleh MUI
Download Video Mesum di tengah Ladang Blitar | Video Mesum Goyang Blitar
Video mesum di tengah ladang menggoyang Blitar, akhirnya kembali beredar video mesum karya anak bangsa yang terbaru, mungkin untuk menyambut tahun baru 2010 sepasang pelajar sekolah menengah atas ini nekat untuk membuat rekaman adegan cabul mereka. setidaknya sudah terdapat beberapa judul video mesum karya anak bangsa yang laris di cari oleh para pemburu lendir di internet, sebut saja Video Mesum
Home insurance while moving
So you've finally moved into your new house and currently unpacking your stuff to make your new home beautiful and comfortable. But what about insurance, did you get the right amount to cover your new home? When changing place of residence, even moving to another house in the same block, there are much more things influenced by your actions than homeowners insurance. Here's a list of things
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Which is better: term or permanent insurance?
Perhaps it's the wrong way to think about insurance, but it's really nothing more than a form of licensed gambling. You find this insurance company prepared to take you on and then place a bet on how long you are going to live. The insurance companies studies the form guide and decides how long people like you tend to live. It sets the premium and the jackpot number. If you die within the
Friday, 25 December 2009
Insurance for students
No-one said life ever has to be fair but, as parents, you quickly discover the world is not set up to make things easy for you. There are challenges at every turn. Of course, all the healthcare needs can be put on the back burner if you or your partner have a family plan provided by your employers. Now all you have to do is read the small print to see what coverage is provided for children
Insurance for business travel
Imagine one of your top salesmen wins a contract in Asia and has to fly there to seal the deal. What if the $5000 trip needs to be laid off due to a public health problem, disaster or another disruption? You might expect refundable business class tickets to allow them being laid off or that the company investment is protected by travel "waivers" offered by the travel agents. Sometimes this is
Thursday, 24 December 2009
How credit rating affects insurance premiums
Having a good credit rating will pay off in the end. Why is that? Well, insurance companies tend to offer lower rates to customers with a good credit rating, because they are considered to be less risky. And taking into account that your credit score is one of the most essential factors determining your risk grade, it's really wise to keep it as good as possible. Insurance companies are
Life insurance in Texas
When people choose to insure their life this can be taken as a form of utter care for their loved ones, because such insurance policies protect dependents from loss of income due to the policyholder's death. This is an effective way to secure mortgage loans, child care, education and other costly services that will be hard to pay for in case the main source of income for the family ceases to
Life insurance in Arizona
With so many insurance products on the Arizona market today, some people have a really hard time finding exactly what they want without the initial confusion. Besides all typical types of insurance products such as auto, health, life, house coverage, there are many sub-groups to these types of policies that each caters their specific groups of needs and buyers respectively. Of course, you can
Monday, 21 December 2009
Recehan dari Bloggingads | Bloggingads Payment Proof
Para pemain PTR tentunya sudah tidak asing dengan broker PTR yang bernama Bloggingads. jujur saja sih saya belum lama ini bergabung dan mencoba peruntungan recehan di Bloggingads. ternyata lumayan juga. mereka benar benar membayar. walau waktu pembayarannya agak lama. mungkin mirip2 blogsvertise tuh. 1 bulan dari tanggal pengerjaan job.Sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit kok untuk mendaftarkan blog
Friday, 18 December 2009
Gene Simmons Rocker Edan Yang Mengaku Pernah Ngeseks Dengan 4.600 Wanita
Saya rasa semua orang tahu dunia rocker yang isinya mayoritas Sex, Drugs dan alkohol. rocker memang identik dengan dunia gemerlap dan berfoya foya. salah satunya adalah Gene Simmons Bassis dari Band Kiss yang mengaku pernah tidur dengan 4600 wanita. WOW!! Gene Simmons memang punya satu kelebihan yaitu lidah yang panjang mungkin inilah yang membuat para wanita tergila gila dengan tehnik oral nya.
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Rin Sakuragi Bugil di Suster Keramas | Batal Datangkan Miyabi Maxima Mendatangkan Rin Sakuragi
Pihak Maxima yang sebelumnya menggembar gemborkan mengenai kedatangan artis porno terkenal asal jepang yaitu maria ozawa alias miyabi untuk membintangi film menculik miyabi kini malah sukses mendatangkan artis porno jepang lainnya. namanya adalah rin sakuragi.Memang nama Rin Sakuragi belum setenar pendahulunya Maria Ozawa. namun mungkin inilah yang membuat pihak maxima sukses mendatangkan rin
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Download Video Mesum Siswi SMP Palu | Video Mesum Siswi SMP Palu Beredar
Download Video Mesum Siswi SMP Palu - Lagi lagi video mesum karya anak bangsa beredar luas di masyarakat, kali ini bukan dari tempat seperti biasanya yaitu di pulau hawa, sekarang anak palu juga sudah mulai berani unjuk keberanian dengan membuat sebuah rekaman video mesum.Beberapa waktu lalu sempat juga beredar kehebohan masyarakat dengan beredarnya Video Oral Seks PNS Bangkalan, Video mesum UMM
Monday, 14 December 2009
Ultimate Paintball Shop
Have you heard about paintball sport before?? this is kind of sport where we have to hit the opponent with a pellet containing a paint this is why sometimes we called it a paintball. to play this sport you will need a special equipment such as the paintball marker.There's many store sell the various equipment for this sport. one of them is you can get many kind of
Friday, 11 December 2009
Titan Conveyor System
As a common piece of mechanical handling equipment to move a material from a location to another a conveyor system was play an important role in every industrial company, if you own an industial company and need a Conveyor system from a leading conveyor manufacturer so why don't you use the bulk handling conveyor from Titan Conveyor??Titan Conveyor was known as the fastest growing names in
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
What are the insurance needs for nonprofit businesses?
Even when the economy is doing well, there are a wide range of activities undertaken by nonprofit or not-for-profit organizations. There are a number of reasons for this. Culturally, the idea of volunteering your time for a good cause has always been strong. People are always prepared to give their time in providing a range of services to those in need. When the economy weakens and a
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Some tips for those who is switching insurance company
It's not that hard as I may seem to be! The reasons for changing insurance company for covering your auto are numerous. Maybe it's the level of services you aren't quite satisfied with, or the other insurance company has the same amount of coverage for a considerably lower price. Today, checking your insurance rates and comparing them to what the other carriers have to offer is a few minutes
Friday, 4 December 2009
Yogyakarta Here i Come!!!
Ahh.. segar rasanya menghirup udara di kota ini, setelah setiap hari menghirup asap kendaraan bermotor di jakarta, memang sudah lama sekali saya ingin untuk berwisata ke kota ini, dan akhirnya kini ada kesempatan untuk berwisata ke kota yogyakarta.. dan senangnya ongkos untuk jalan,makan,hotel,sewa mobil dan untuk balik semua pakai hasil dari bisnis online.. hehehe emang mungkin rezeki dari
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Old Age and Driving Skills
It's one of those sad facts of life that ageing is inevitable. Being philosophical about it - it's going to happen so you might as well celebrate it. The question is how society should celebrate ageing. People who rely on driving to get them around while working, continue to need their vehicles when they retire. Let's face it. In most US towns and cities, few people walk. Everyone drives.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
What to do if you cannot afford the premium
We love life. Life loves us back but life is not only cherries from the cake. It is "black and white" like Michael Jackson sang. Life is full of unpredictable events, moments of sorrow and joy, pleasure and pain. Sometimes we cry, sometimes we laugh but God doesn't want us to suffer. We are meant to become stronger. No matter how philosophical you may get the truth remains the same - we need
Ngobrol Seputar Bisnis Online
Ngobrol Seputar Bisnis Online Yuuukkk.Bisnis Online?? Apa sih bisnis online itu? sepertinya kita perlu ngobrol seputar bisnis online nih pada kesempatan kali ini. namun sayang sekali saya pribadi bukanlah ahli SEO yang terbiasa ikut kontes SEO apalagi untuk keyword yang sekarang sedang kencang diburu para blogger yaitu Ngobrol Seputar Bisnis Online. Sebenarnya sih ngga ada salahnya ya ngobrol
Monday, 30 November 2009
Insuring your life on retirement
Often, when people are told they don't have to carry their life insurance coverage anymore, they frequently say something like, "But I've invested into it all these years. I can't just remove it. I didn't have anything out of it yet." But the thing is we don't state this about other insurances. For instance, you have had this car you were driving ten whole years without a single accident and
Sunday, 29 November 2009
You're a freelancer? Get insured!
When you're working as a freelancer, you're not only thinking about the orders you have to manage y to do. There's a question hitting your mind day by day: how in the world can I get health coverage? Of course, it will take some time and you will have to do some research in order to get yourself health coverage policy. As any other big decision, you will have to explore your options
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Lafadz Allah dan Muhammad di Potongan Daging Kurban
Subhanallah.. begitu banyak tanda tanda kebesaran Allah di muka bumi ini, sebelumnya ada tulisan allah yang muncul di tubuh seorang anak kecil, lalu begitu banyak pula keajaiban keajaiban alam yang menunjukkan kebesaran ilahi. begitu banyak bukti bukti kebesaran Allah yang nyata, bisa anda dapatkan di situs situs lain yang memasang gambar gambar pohon yang menyerupai lafadz Allah, Telur yang ada
Types of cars and insurance costs
The car you own determines to a large extent the premiums you will have to pay for insuring it. Of course, your claims history, driving and credit records, your age, sex and location will also influence the rates, but not to the extent of your actual vehicle. You can make everything you can to improve the other factors but if your car is expensive to insure on its own, don't expect to have
Friday, 27 November 2009
The first simple steps to a basic strategy
Blackjack is one of the simplest games ever invented by man. There aren't many rules and there's no physical effort involved in playing it. You just sit, look at a few cards and make your bets. That's probably why it's become one of the most popular casino games of all time. Of course everyone knows the House has an edge. That's how it pays all the expenses for running the casino. Remember it
You can reduce your insurance premium by yourself
When you possess and maintain a car you undergo severe expenses, but it doesn't mean you have to submit to this. You can reduce your expenses and here are some tips on how you can do this. Lower coverage on older cars In case you paid for your car and it's old, think about removing the clash coverage. It pays for damages you cause to your car. Moreover, it makes up a huge part of your
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Prevent Hair Loss with Advanced Hair Studio
As we know if many people especially woman could gain more confident if they have a strong and beautiful hair, but nowadays there's many woman faced a hair problem and in the end they try too seek for a great hair treatment serviceHave you had a hair treatment before?? or if you have a hair problem such as hair loss or even an annoying dandruff?? if so why don't you try the
Vehicle insurance saving tips
1. Driving less lets you save more Driving less than 7,500 in the course of the year makes you eligible for a low-mileage discount with your insurance carrier. You can save even more money with discounts if using public transportation on a regular basis during the weekdays. 2. Use your auto only for personal purposes Most insurance carriers will increase your premium or add additional coverage (
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Sejarah Mobil Pertama di Indonesia
Penasaran dengan sejarah awal masuknya kendaraan roda empat bernama mobil di negara tercinta kita ini?? apa anda ingin tahu bagaimana bentuk mobil pertama yang ada di indonesia??Orang Indonesia pertama yang tercatat sebagai pemilik mobil adalah Sunan Solo, pada tahun 1894. Mobilnya bermerk Benz, tipe Carl Benz, beroda empat. Diperlukan waktu satu tahun persiapan pembuatannya, karena tipe ini
The reason you are in need of disability insurance
Usually, people purchase property and disaster, or casualty insurance to secure their possessions and life insurance to supply profit for their survivors. Nevertheless, lots of people don't think of securing their profit with disability insurance. But how fine could you live if you weren't capable to go to work at all? Disablement is an unforeseen event, and if you once become disabled, your
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Video Oral Seks PNS Bangkalan | Download Video Oral Seks PNS Bangkalan
Video Oral Seks PNS Bangkalan beredar, pastinya dalam beberapa hari ke depan banyak sekali orang yang akan mendownload video oral seks PNS bangkalan ini. Warga Bangkalan Madura kembali digegerkan oleh beredarnya video mesum, kali ini video mesum yang dimaksud adalah video oral seks PNS bangkalan madura. beberapa hari yang lalu juga baru saja kita dihebohkan dengan beredarnya video mesum merusuar
Discount Ink Cartridges at Easyinkz
Nowadays the role of printer was really important,moreover for office and students, printer was used to produce a hard copy of a document in a paper or transparency. as a student i always need a printer help to help me print my school papers, as you know we need an ink for the printer itself.i use epson stylus c48 series printer on my home. and several days ago when i want to
Monday, 23 November 2009
Traffik Anjlok 70%!!
OMG!!! What's wrong with my traffic?? gile bener bener parah trafik blog revarius opinion yang biasanya bsia 1000 per hari akhirnya mulai kemarin jeblok 70%!!! ada apa ini?? ada masalah apa sebenarnya?? apakah ada hubungannya dengan pemblokiran blogspot oleh depkominfo??Kabarnya Depkominfo menginstruksikan agar blogspot di blokir oleh ISP firstmedia.. Ini nih berita lengkapnya..Jakarta -Sejumlah
Ways you can lower your rates with
When it comes to insuring your life you'll see that the price largely depends on certain factors such as your sex, age, health condition and general lifestyle. And it's evident that if you're a senior person with serious health issues you will get a heftier price tag on your policy than a teen with no health issues and bad habits. But still, there are certain methods you can employ to lower
Umbrella coverage for insuring your home
You have definitely heard the expression "umbrella policy"and maybe someone has even suggested that you get one. But why would you need such a policy if you already have homeowners insurance? Well, you surely hear numerous stories about odd and even a\outrageous lawsuits going on every now and then. And umbrella coverage is one way you can protect yourself from being involved in such a story
Your baby’s weight and health insurance
There's an old saying that says, "the number don't lie". The assumption is that numbers are facts and facts are always true. So if someone counts the number of times something happens, this gives you a basis from which to estimate the probability of the same thing happening across a population. This is the basis of underwriting for insurance purposes. Teams of highly trained people called
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Mengungkap Ukuran Payudara Selebritis Hollywood
Mengungkap Ukuran payudara selebritis hollywood. sepertinya memang istilah payudara wanita memang disukai oleh kebanyakan pria. karena payudara adakah salah satu benda milik wanita yang paling di idam idamkan para pria. mulai dari yang memiliki cup B hingga D umumnya paling disukai oleh para pria.Sebelumnya bahkan sudah pernah dikaji mengenai anatomi payudara di blog revarius opinion ini. bahkan
Custom Car Grilles by Carid
It's really interesting doing a car modification, because you can define your car's true identity, one of the cool modification is changing the car grilles. before i modify my car grilles i was browsing in the internet about the great car grilles. and i found a great website that provide us a a huge selection of custom grilles. the site name was CaridBeside providing a custom
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Kondom Wanita Anti Perkosaan
Masih ingat dengan alat bantu seks model baru yang pernah varius posting di blog ini dahulu? seperti alat bantu oral seks.. nah sekarang saya akan membahas sebuah alat proteksi terhadap perkosaan.. tuh liat alatnya di samping.Anda seorang wanita?? pernah mengalami trauma akibat diperkosa? atau pernah menjadi korban perkosaan atau juga hampir menjadi korban perkosaan?? tenang saja. sekarang anda
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Penyanyi Dangdut asal Amerika Arreal Tilghman
Wah hebat ternyata dangdut kini mulai diminati oleh orang amerika juga ya?? Arreal Tilghman menjadi warga AS pertama yang menyanyikan lagu dangdut, setelah ia terpilih sebagai juara di ajang kompetisi "Dangdut in America", yang digelar di negaranya sejak tahun lalu."Saya suka semua jenis musik, tetapi dangdut benar-benar istimewa. Semua orang menyanyi jazz, blues, pop, dan rock, tidak ada yang
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Beredar Video Mercusuar Bergoyang | Video Mesum SMA Bangkalan Madura
Akhirnya setelah sempat vakum beberapa hari, video mesum pelajar kembali beredar di internet. kini kasus trend ini menimpa anak SMA Bangkalan madura.. memang daerah jawa timur berada di peringkat pertama dalam produksi video mesum. sebelumnya sudah beredar video mesum anak ponorogo, anak lumajang dan juga video mesum UMM.VIdeo Mesum Mercusuar Bergoyang | Video SMA bangkalan madura- kembali
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Alcohol and Drug Rehab Center in Journey Healing Center
We know that the alcohol and drugs deliver the bad effect to our body, it will ruin our health and made us a trash in a society. even with the knowledge of the dangerous effect of using drugs and alcohol, there's still many people use it. and in the end they become addicted to alcohol and also drugs.It's really hard to left that bad habits. even if you want to stop that. but
Film 2012 Tentang Kiamat | Kiamat 2012 benarkah??
Sepertinya gaung film yang bercerita tentang kiamat 2012 ini sedang menggema di kalangan penyuka film. di film itu juga diceritakan bahwa bumi akan mengalami hari kiamat pada tanggal 21 desember 2012 akibat tertabrak meteor.. banyak orang yang menganggap bahwa itu akan benar benar terjadi karena para ilmuwan sudah menyimpulkan bahwa 3 tahun ke depan akan ada peningkatan aktifitas panas matahari
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Celine Sandra "Aq Mau ML dengan siapapun dengan Syarat"
Waduh gila nekat banget nih cewek yang namanya Celine Sandra. jika kemarin evan brimob menjadi selebritis di facebook akibat status arogansinya yang menyatakan bahwa "Polri ga butuh masyarakat namun masyarakat yang butuh polri" kini kita kembali digegerkan oleh status Facebook dan twitter milik celine sandra.Di Halaman Twitter dan facebooknya. Celine sandra mengatakan bahwa "Aq mau Making love
Compression Stockings from Recovery Element
Have you ever heard about compression stockings before?? well actually compression stockings was used to support the venous and lymphatic systems of the leg. and in the end it will help you reduce the pain in your ankle.If you want to buy a high quality and cheap compression stockings why don't you go to recovery elements, they provide you with many great healing assist
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Foto Miyabi AKA Maria Ozawa dari ponsel pribadinya
Maria Ozawa alias Miyabi dikenal sebagai artis porno di jepang. namanya sudah sangat membahana di google. terbukti dengan survey yang dilakukan oleh google bahwa lebih dari 70% pencarian dengan kata kunci Miyabi dilakukan oleh orang indonesia dan juara pertamanya di pegang oleh kota jogjakarta.Jika pada episode sebelumnya berita heboh maria ozawa alias miyabi terpusat pada rencana kedatangannya
Download Video Mesum SMU PGRI | Aksi Mesum SMU PGRI Temanggung
Huaduh.. baru beberapa hari Video Mesum anak SMK Lumajang beredar. dunia pendidikan indonesia kembali di hebohkan dengan beredarnya video mesum anak SMA PGRI Temanggung. gila bener bener gila.. sepertinya remaja sekarang saling berlomba untuk membuat video mesum.Tidak ada lagi rasa malu untuk melakukan adegan mesum di kamera. mereka berlagak bak bintang porno kelas dunia dalam beradegan seks.
Friday, 13 November 2009
How should society react to the problems of the poor?
There's a darker side to America. It boasts it's the land of the free. It claims it's a level playing field and everyone can make it if they try hard enough. This myth of hard work always being rewarded with big bucks is dangerously misleading to the many who hope to improve their lot. Now add in the tenet that everyone should take responsibility for their own lives. This is the land of the
Learn how to make your corporate insurance cheap
One/two step to decrease your premiums significantly. People spend years trying to figure out the way to make the premiums on their insurance deals go lower. A lot depends on the amount of steps you will take to change the situation into better. Being specialists in our domain, we have to admit that once you sort the problem of extra payment out, your life will be much easier. Sometimes it
How to make a claim
The majority of policy holders will go through the year without making a claim. It's possible a major weather disaster could suddenly take out an area, but the actual risks of fires, thefts and accidents around the home are relatively low. Even high-crime areas do not produce excessive numbers of claims. That's why, when the anticipated cost of all the losses is spread among the policy
Thursday, 12 November 2009
HIgh Quality Static Mixer by Koflo
For those who work in industrial company, mixing a powder or even a liquid can be a hard work if they don't have the equipment. there's many product needed to do that work such as industrial mixer.It's natural that many people think about the high quality stuff for the best performance. if you work in the industrial company and looking for a high quality equipment for mixing a
Video Mesum anak SMA Lumajang Beredar | Download Video Mesum Pelajar SMA Lumajang
Hmm makin hari sepertinya makin parah saja kasus peredaran video porno di kalangan remaja, belum lama ini publik dihebohkan dengan beredarnya video mesum di kampus UMM dan juga siswa SMA di ponorogo. kini dunia pendidikan kembali dihebohkan dengan beredarnya video mesum yang dilakoni oleh siswa SMA di Lumajang Jawa Timur..Luar biasa memang tingkat produksi video porno amatir para remaja. hampir
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Rebecca akhirnya memeluk islam | Rebecca Masuk Islam
Alhamdulillah akhirnya Allah SWT memberikan hidayahnya kepada umatnya. jika sebelumnya saya pernah menulis mengenai berita yang mungkin saja dinilai sebagai HOAX ataupun mitos mengenai Britney Spears masuk islam ataupun tentang keislaman michael jackson. kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai rebecca. penyanyi yang ngetop dengan lagu "tanpamu" ini akhirnya masuk islam.. berikut adalah berita
Monday, 9 November 2009
Musisi Terkaya Dunia 2009 Versi Forbes Magazine
Dulu saya pernah membahas mengenai paul mcartney yang merupakan musisi paling sukses sepanjang sejarah musik. dan pada kesempatan kali ini. Revarius ingin mengupas mengenai siapa saja 10 musisi paling sukses dan juga paling kaya sepanjang tahun 2009.Jika pada beberapa artikel sebelumnya saya membahas mengenai siapa bintang porno terkaya. maka kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai 10 musisi terkaya
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Download Video Mesum Pelajar Ponorogo | Video Mesum Pelajar Ponorogo
Video mesum pelajar kembali beredar. sepertinya kasus video mesum di kalangan pelajar yang menyebar melalui internet semakin ramai saja. jika sebelumnya kita menemukan adanya video mesum dari mahasiswa UMM malang. kali ini kita kedatangan bintang video mesum pelajar baru dari ponorogo. berikut adalah cuplikan beritanya.. download video mesum pelajar ponorogo Video mesum dan foto telanjang yang
Friday, 6 November 2009
10 Selebriti yang Merasa Payudaranya Terlalu Besar
Payudara lagi payudara lagi.. memang bagian tubuh wanita yang satu ini sangat merangsang bagi para pria. dan amat sangat menarik untuk dibahas. sudah beberapa postingan yang saya buat di blog ini yang membahas mengenai payudara. misalnya 10 selebritis berpayudara rata, atau juga Anatomi Payudara, lalu Rekor payudara Terbesar dan juga 10 Wanita dengan payudara Extra Besar.Untuk Bahan postingan
Agen Bola Professional
Banyak cara untuk menghasilkan uang di internet mulai dari mengikuti program program penghasil uang di internet hingga mengikuti program program online games. bagi para penggila bola suatu event pertandingan bola terlebih lagi event besar semacam piala dunia dan piala champion merupakan event yang paling ditunggu tunggu. banyak penggila bola yang rela mengurangi waktu
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Dream the perfect drive!
Your car is not that lovable to you when you see a huge bill coming your way. It is all understandable but also very ... reasonable. Yes, insurance companies do put something at steak before they set up a deal with you but you have to understand that mainly that is what you pay your bucks for. They promise you safety and safety is precious. Most drivers will try to combine safety and
Hints on insuring homes in unfavorable areas
If your surroundings are not too promising in terms of weather conditions when the wind is practically blowing in your ear all the time and raindrops keep falling down on your rooftop there is a very good chance (and it's not surprising) that you might have to pay extra for your house insurance. England is famous for its rains and floods that have taken over the country lately have ended up
Cheap Auto Insurance in Auto Insurance Select
An Auto Insurance will be the most important things for all car owners. we don't know what will happen next into our car. unfortunately the auto insurance charges a lot of money for you depend on your car type. but there's no need to worry anymore you can find the cheap auto insurance from auto insurance select. they will help you choose the affordable insurance for you.You
Find the Best Car Reviews on
Do you want to buy a car?? we have to know before we buy a new car or also the used car, we have to read the brief review about the car itself, do a research of the car about their engine, their performance and the fuel efficiency. moreover if you want to buy car online.If you want to buy the used car online why don't you go to on their site you can
Evan Brimob Mengaku Salah dan Minta Maaf
Evan Brimob yang sempat menghebohkan masyarakat dengan pernyataannya di facebook yang mengatakan bahwa "Polri tidak butuh masyarakat justru masyarakat yang butuh polri" akhirnya meminta maaf dan mengakui kesalahannya.Kasus ini sempat menghebohkan para member forum kaskus. pernyataannya ini menuai banyak kritik. bahkan dia )evan) bisa menjadi selebritis facebook hanya dalam waktu 1 hari akibat
Evan Brimob "Polri Ga butuh Masyarakat tapi Masyarakat yang Butuh Polri"
Kasus yang sedang gepar dan sedang di bicarakan di Forum adalah mengenai pernyaraan seorang polisi dari kesatuan brimob yang mengatakan “polri ga butuh masyarakat tapi… tapi masyarakat yang butuh polri… maju terus kepolisian Indonesia telan hidup-hidup cicak-cicak kecil .. menuai banyak sekali kecaman dari para member kaskus, dimana status FB seorang anggota kepolisian tersebut membuat
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Experience the High Speed Internet Connection with Wildblue Satellite Internet
Every internet user's dream was having the fast internet connection, but unfortunately many high speed internet provider was really expensive. nowadays internet play a great role in our daily lifes. such for lifestyle, entertainment and also business. let's think what will happen if we only has a slow internet connection?? the high speed internet connection was really critical
Selendang Rockers | Candil Feat Igor Saykoji
Udah pada nonton belum nih film musikal nan lucu yang dibintangi oleh Candil, Igor Saykoji dan Ramzi?? film yang berceritakan tentang Grup Rock the Pankys yang akhirnya berganti aliran ke aliran musik melayu ini sungguh sangat menarik untuk disimak. banyak adegan adegan lucu dan sisi humor disini.THE PANKY, grup musik rock yang mulai turun pamornya, dimotori oleh Ipank, vokalis yang suka marah,
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Enhance your Home Security with ADT Security System
Nowadays we have to be more careful when we're leaving our homes. since the economic crisis there's many bad guy out there choose to be a burglars. and they will snap into your house when you're not home. but don't worry about it anymore. you can rely your home security with ADT Home Security System. with their smart technology ADT security system can help you prevent a burglar into your
Manipulate your Picture with Funny Effect on Picjoke
Now there's so many ways to create a photo manipulation, if in the past we have to master about a photoshop technique to make a photo manipulation, now we don't need it anymore. we can manipulate our picture or somebody Else's picture using an online photo manipulation sites. One of them was Picjoke.comPicjoke was the fun photo manipulation sites where you can add your picture
Monday, 2 November 2009
Video Mesum Mahasiswa UMM Malang | Download Video Mesum Mahasiswa UMM Malang
Video Mesum indonesia kini kembali beredar di internet. kini yang menjadi aktornya adalah mahasiswa sebuah perguruan tinggi di malang. Video mesra sepasang mahasiswa beredar dari file ke file. Rekaman itu menampilkan kedua pasangan muda-mudi ini bermesraan di bangku istirahat yang diduga berada di Kompleks Kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Jalan Raya Landungsari, Kota Malang.Ingin
Sunday, 1 November 2009
IM2 Broom Unlimited Review
Wah ga terasa udah 4 bulan pake IM2 Broom.. emang awalnya sih sebelum kuotanya habis browsing dan kegiatan blogging terasa menyenangkan dan lancar. yah iyalah secara speednya masih utuh 256kbps. apalagi kalau dipakai di daerah yang sinyalnya kuat. wuiih wuuzzz. wuzz wuzz de kencengnya. namun malapetaka itu hadir seketika disaat kuota anda melebihi batas yang diberikan oleh pihak IM2.IM2 Broom
Fun and Stylish Eye Glasses from Zenni Optical
The glasses now play a great role in fashion, many people uses an eye glasses to enhance their looks and style. not only for a stylish glasses, but some people nowadays can have a stylish prescription glasses to enhance their style. unfortunately sometimes when we go to the optic we found an expensive glasses. so how do we get the cheap and stylish glasses??If you really need a stylish glasses so
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Cinta Beda Usia?? Kakek 112 Tahun Menikahi ABG 17 Tahun
Cinta emang bener bener buta ya?? apapun bisa terjadi. perbedaan umur tidak menghalangi cinta. seperti yang dilakukan wook kundur ataupun mbah konah. kini ada lagi bukti cinta buta, alias cinta beda usia.. ini sih bukan cinta beda usia lagi. tapi cinta beda zaman.. seorang kakek asal somalia yang berusia 112 tahun menikahi seorang ABGRatusan orang menghadiri pernikahan di Somalia antara kakek
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Nenek 85 Tahun Nikahi Perjaka 35 Tahun!! Cinta memang Buta
Cinta.. cinta bisa membutakan mata manusia, karena cinta pula banyak orang rela berkorban, segala sesuatu akan jadi lebih indah karena cinta. cinta adalah motivasi seseorang untuk bertahan hidup.. masih ingat kan dengan kisah cinta unik antara wok kundur dan suami ke 22 nya si mohd nor?? dulu sih udah pernah saya bahas di blog ini.Memang Cinta itu Buta usia bukan jadi penghalang. jika dulu kita
Teh Ninih Menggugat Cerai Aa Gym?? | Aa Gym Di Gugat Cerai Teh Ninih
Hidup berpoligami seperti yang dilakukan oleh da'i Aa gym tampaknya tidaklah berjalan mulus, sejak memutuskan untuk berpoligami, Popularitas Aa Gym semakin menurun di kalangan wanita tentunya. nah kini mungkin para wanita yang kurang setuju dengan poligami bisa merasa lega atau tenang atau perasaan lainnya? hal ini dikarenakan Teh Ninih istri pertama Aa Gym menggugat cerai Aa.Kabarnya, istri
Your health knows what it needs
We are used to think we are healthy. It is good when it is also true, but most of the time we just fool ourselves by thinking that we don't need to see medics and check our health state because we are just fine. Maybe we are that it doesn't hurt to be hundred percent sure and know that tomorrow's medical bill won't be a problem. Most of us want to assure themselves with a medical insurance
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Best Poker Bonus at Bonus Internet Poker
If you was a person who love to play an online casino games especially poker games, then you have to go to this Best Poker Bonus in the Internet, usually a poker player seek for the biggest bonus. but unfortunately some casino require a deposit first before we can get a bonus from the poker games. sometimes we have to deposit $100 for getting $10.000 Bonus.. but the smart people will spend a free
Getting good insurance for a good car
Good car, good owner, good insurance If you care about your car enough to get it insured it means your car is lucky to have a good owner. A good car owner won't trust his car to any place there is. A good car owner will shop around for the best possible rate and a best possible company. There is a variety of companies you can find by clicking the sites everyday. Most of them offer quotes to
Keeping your vehicle protected
Automobile guarantee Being a driver I always wonder why there is no escape from paying hundreds ad hundreds of dollars on a car? Sometimes it seems to not matter what type of car you own, the design or the brand, the year or manufacturing country - you will always end up paying more than you were supposed to from the beginning. Why are the insurance policy ratings constantly increasing and
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Skandal Foto Hot Qory Sandioriva | Foto Hot Putri Indonesia 2009
Foto Hot Putri Indonesia 2009 Qory Sandioriva beredar!!!. kita semua tahu bahwa putri indonesia asal aceh ini menjadi sensasi saat dia melepaskan jilbabnya demi gelar putri indonesia.Kini Putri Indonesia 2009 ini kembali menuai sensasi. yaitu dengan bermunculannya foto foto hotnya di internet. Foto Hot Putri Indonesia 2009 memang bisa jadi menghebohkan karena Qory Sandioriva yang notabene berasal
Keeping your business protected from external risks
You are prosperous and you feel like the world is at your feet. Yes, many of us want to believe we own the success and we stand behind it alone. But in reality, there are people standing behind our back that are involved in our rises and falls. These people are the employees. Therefore you need to think of them as a part of your team that was there to get you to the top of the world. You
Monday, 26 October 2009
Metamrfosis Kangen Band | Solo karir Eren Kangen Band | Vokalis Wanita Berjilbab
Tentunya nama Kangen Band tidak lagi asing bagi para penikmat musik di indonesia. Kangen band adalah band asal lampung yang melejit dengan single mereka dulu "tentang aku engkau dan dia" anak anak lampung ini berhasil mendobrak tradisi musik indonesia dan membuktikannya bahwa teori musik tidaklah mutlak dibutuhkan untuk bisa eksis di industri musik indoneisa. pada awal kemunculannya kangen band
Practically perfect - practically in a day!
Nobody can insure himself from having an accident. But we can insure ourselves before any accident takes place so we have some protection that insurance company provides. If you are a driver with big experience or if you only need your automobile to drive short distances - you might think about insurance as a waste of money but wait before you decide it. Accidents can be expecting you
How to save on a safe home
In spite of fact that insurance is not a cheap entertainment, people seem to not stop requesting insurance quotes from Internet. By doing so, most citizens try to satisfy their needs in getting their house protected from any type of events that are related to disasters and unhappiness. When you get a quote online, you feel like you stay in touch with the reality. You have a possibility to
Sunday, 25 October 2009
What is the reason behind changing your current insurance company?
Lots of us that dream a perfect car don't know how difficult is to handle one that costs lots of money and looks like million dollars. A good car should have a good insurance in a package with it but unfortunately it doesn't always happen like that. What does the idea of a perfect insurance imply? The definition is probably the following - the perfect insurance is the one that gives the full
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Jangan Remehkan Blog Blogspot - Revolusi Template Blogspot
Banyak sekali praktisi praktisi internet berbicara "jangan andalkan blogspot untuk mencari uang di internet, ada juga yang bilang "ah blogspot ga bisa di kustomisasi" atau juga "Blogspot templatenya jelek jelek".. eiits tunggu dulu. itu semua tidak benar sama sekali. tidak benar yang beranggapan kalau blog dari blogspot tidak bisa unntuk di monetisasi. banyak kok buktinya blogger yang
Pernikahan Ala Kaisar Cina sang Manusia Tertinggi Bao Xishun
wuiih luar biasa pesta pernikahan si bao xishun ini. bao xishun merupakan salah satu manusia tertinggi di dunia. dengan tinggi badan 2.63cm Bao Xishun bisa dikategorikan sebagai salah satu manusia tertinggi di dunia. Bao xishun melangsungkan pernikahannya ala kaisar cina dengan tradisi mongoliaBao Xishun (lahir tahun 1951), seorang penggembala, salah satu manusia tertinggi di dunia (2,36 meter),
Friday, 23 October 2009
Making a friend out of your insurance company
We judge everything by the price. Of course, quality does matter as well but price is the major motivation. When we see something that is discounted or reduced we get happy. But businessmen can assure you price is not the most important aspect. Judging by the price is not the best we can do. There insurance plans that seem like a perfect opportunity they are good in price and easily
Does your insurance cover your interest?
Is your insurance representative in your team? When we think about the idea of having our own shelter it brings shivers down our spine, mostly because we all want to have our own house and be able to do whatever we want in it. When we choose the location and think the payment over it gives us happiness and sadness at the same time. There can be a few different reasons for that. We are scared
Insuring your life over 20 years
Before you say anything, let us inform you about your life insurance. When it comes to a life insurance your possibilities vary. No matter how much you trust yourself in making the right decision, you should never let yourself get caught up in a trap. Sometimes the best offers can be found when nothing else seems to work. If you are a smart shopper you will always know to research before you
Setelah Maria ozawa lalu Siapa Lagi? Akankah Denise Milani??
Gaung nama maria ozawa alias miyabi memang masih kencang terdengar di seantero indonesia terkait dengan rencana kedatangannya yang berujung batal akibat banyaknya penolakan dan juga pencekalan dari bangsa indonesia. hal ini secara langsung membuat miyabi alias maria ozawa bersedih dan stress sehingga dia sempat berkata seperti "Apa dosa saya kepada bangsa indonesia?" atau "Saya salah apa kepada
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Satu Lagi Tanda Kebesaran Allah - Tulisan Al Quran di Tubuh Balita asal Russia
Subhanallah.. maha suci allah.. memang tanda tanda kebesaran allah tidak bisa diragukan, begitu banyak tanda tanda kebesaran Allah yang telah dan akan dimunculkan di jagad muka bumi kita ini. masih ingat dengan kemunculan lafadz2 Allah di langit, di telur, daging dan berbagai macam tempat lainnya.. kini ada lagi sebuah peristiwa spektakuler.. yaitu munculnya tulisan ayat Al Qur-an di tubuh
Vibealot the best Adult Toy Store in the Net
Many people out there love to make a new breakthrough in their sexual life. they have to do that to avoid the boredom in their sexual life with their couples. one of them is by using a sex toys in their bed plays.Where is the best plays for searching the best adult toy in the internet?? you can find the best collection of adult toys in vibealot. they offer you a vibrators,
Monday, 19 October 2009
Mencekal Maria Ozawa - Benarkah Maria Ozawa berwajah Mesum??
Miyabi lagi miyabi lagi.. emang ga pernah habis nih gaung nama sang superstar porno dari negeri sakura ini. walaupun maria ozawa alias miyabi batal datang ke indonesia untuk membintangi film menculik miyabi dikarenakan adanya protes keras dari ormas ormas di indonesia dan juga dengan adanya gerakan anti miyabi dan poster poster penolakan keras terhadap maria ozawa.Akhirnya Batal Juga miyabi
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Alat Bantu Seks Wanita Terbaru - Sqweel
Emang ga pernah ada habisnya ya inovasi manusia akan hasrat seksual, banyak sekali inovasi inovasi seksual yang diciptakan oleh manusia untuk memuaskan hasrat yang satu ini. mulai dari alat bantu seks semacam dildo, vibrator, sex doll dan masih banyak lagi.Dulu saya pernah posting mengenai alat bantu oral seks model baru dan juga boneka seks berbentuk selebritis. mungkin bagi anda yang suka akan
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Darakula Band - Kuburan Band Versi Wanita
Siapa sih yang ga kenal dengan band kuburan? band yang populer dengan hit Lupa Lupa ingat ini mempunyai penampilan yang unik dan aneh seperti layaknya badut di jaman ria jenaka dulu. namun kalau menurut saya pribadi kuburan band banyak mengambil konsep make up milik band kiss. tahu kan band kiss?? umumnya band yang berpenampilan seperti ini membawakan aliran musik metal ataupun black metal namun
A few tips for a casino player
Distractions When you're walking upon the casino's floor to start your gambling session, holding your perspective is significant. All the miscellaneous things in casino kind of hypnotize a lot of gamblers. Casinos want it. So, you have to stay cool and keep an unclouded mind. Walk around for five or ten minutes before you sit down to play. Survey in mind your purposes for this session while
Monday, 12 October 2009
Pain Relief for Back Pain and Arthritis on Pain Relief Reviews
I'm sure that every people want to gain a healthy body but with our works and mobility sometimes we had a health problem. for example now i suffer a back pain, it was really hurt. i felt it was an Upper back pain, this pain is felt between the bottom of the neck and top of the lumbar spine. The upper spine is very strong and stable to support the weight of the upper body, as well as to anchor the
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Stephen Gately Boyzone Meninggal Dunia
Dunia Entertainment kembali kehilangan salah satu anggotanya. setelah belum lama ini Michael Jackson meninggal dunia kini salah satu personel boys band jadul Boyzone juga menyusul Michael Jackson ke Alam sana.. dia adalah Stephen GatelyStephen Gately Meninggal - Kabar duka dari dunia tarik suara kembali berduka, pasalanya salah satu personel Boyzone Boy Band asal Irlandia Stephen Gately Meninggal
Employee Drug Test Kits
Sometimes a job candidates should pass some test before they can obtain the job, one of them is a drug test. several people was worrying about this test, moreover if in the past they was involved with drugs. but some of them can play trick for you to make sure that they was "clean" but actually they still involved with drugs.If you want to make sure the accurate result from them why don't you use
Friday, 9 October 2009
Satellite Internet by Wild Blue Internet
I was tired with slow internet connection in my home. it's really annoying, i can't open the streaming video sites with this slow connection. actually i used a dial up connection for my house internet connection. one day my friends come to my house and told about his internet connection, he said that he used to a dial up internet user before but not now, he migrates his internet connection into
Artis Hollywood yang Terlihat Seperti Pelacur
Pelacur adalah istilah yang biasa digunakan untuk para wanita nakal yang bercinta dengan sembarang pria demi mendapatkan uang. setidaknya itulah definisi dari kata pelacur yang saya pahami.Biasanya para artis terutama artis artis hollywood mengedepankan penampilan mereka dan juga gaya fashion mereka dan berebut menjadi seorang trendsetter namun ada kalanya gaya yang mereka tonjolkan malah
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Ratu 11 Zaman Ratu Elizabeth II
Presiden boleh berganti namun ratu yang satu ini tetap abadi yah setidaknya hingga di usia tua nya. Ratu Elizabeth adalah ratu inggris yang mulai menjabat sebagai ratu inggris sejak tahun 1952 hingga sekarang ini. Ratu Elizabeth II juga merupakan ratu yang paling lama bertahta hingga saat ini.. kira kira 56 tahun. dia juga mencatat rekor sebagai kepala monarki yang paling lama bertahta..Berikut
Portable Content Networking by Smallrivers
Every Blogger should know the importance of a social networking in their blogging activities, it really help a lot in finding a new friends who has the same interest like us. we can discuss about the topic with the people in the social networking sites who has the same topic with us.In Blogging Activities we listed our friends in a traditional blog rolls to indicate our friendship, and our
Get your Most Wanted Gadget in This Unique Auction Site
It's really interesting to buy a things in an auction site. you can get your wanted items with really affordable price if you won the bid. you can get a new branded things or either a used items on the auction site. there's many auction site in the internet today. one of them was is a unique auction site where you can get many new gadgets with really cheap price if you won
Experience an Electronic Cigarettes
This is really amazing, I was shocked when i know this, i have to admit that in this modern days all the technology was very advanced, for example is the existence of an e cigarettes. what the heck is that?? an electronic cigarettes?? i don't think if this things like that was invented. the e cigarettes is a battery-powered device that provides inhaled doses of nicotine by heating a
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
High Quality Residential Mailboxes
Almost every home in America and Europe has their own mailboxes to keep the incoming mails. this is very important stuff if we're not at home and suddenly a mail come into our house. i start to think to get it one for my home. but where can i buy the Residential Mailboxes for my home??After i searching in the internet, i found a great mailbox store called Mailboxixchange. they was the biggest
Check Someones Criminal Background by Integrascan
In this hard economic condition the crime rate was increased, such as theft, money scams and many other criminal. if you work in a personal manager in an office and need to check your employee background. you can use this great tools from intergrascan. IntegraScan is an instant criminal records and background checks that can search someone's criminal records. it's really helpful to do an employee
Using Web Directories to Enhance your SEO performance
Every webmaster want to get the first position in the Google Search, but unfortunately there's many thing that we have to consider before doing that one of them is the importance of SEO technique. there's many thing inside SEO technique, one of them is the inbound link count. we have to get many inbound links to our website with your chosen keyword. let's say if you have a website about Web
New Online Games - Aion Alliance
Several Years ago i really enjoy to play an online games, every people love to play a games for their entertainment, but some of them may be a game addict who can't live without playing games.It's really fun and exciting spending our free times to play a games, moreover an online games, there's a lot of online games in the internet today, one of them is Aion Alliance. have you heard about this
Make Money through Your Hobby
With the internet now everything can be done, searching a new music, download a new video until make money in the internet, yeah now it's possible to make money online with internet. actually until now i can prove it if make money online from your hobby is possible, for example if you have a soccer as your hobby and you have plenty of soccer wallpaper now you can make it to make money by making a
Koleksi Foto Terbaru Maria Ozawa AKA Miyabi
Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan Maria Ozawa AKA Miyabi?? akhir akhir ini nama miyabi semakin marak diperbincangkan masyarakat indonesia sehubungan dengan rencana kedatangannya ke indonesia untuk bermain film komedi berjudul "Menculik Miyabi" Begitu banyak kontroversi yang terjadi sehubungan dengan issu ini, mulai dari aksi pencekalan kedatangannya oleh MUI, oleh SBY dan bahkan juga oleh ustadz
Monday, 5 October 2009
Blog Advertising in Blogadvertisingstore
Do you have a website?? if you are the webmaster who needs to develop your website by buying a review for your site, so you can buy it at every webmaster should know if the links is the essential stuff in the internet marketing.There's many way to got the backlinks for your website, either by buying a direct link from a publisher, an advertiser can buy a review for their
Stanford Wong - Blackjack Hall Of Fame
Stanford Wong self-published his first book, Professional Blackjack, in 1975. It was later published by the Gambler's Book Club in Las Vegas, then revised and expanded numerous times and published by Wong's own company, Pi Yee Press. Wong is widely known as one of the best analysts of systems and ways for beating the casinos. In his first book, he described a never-before-revealed
Edward O. Thorp
Edward Oakley Thorp is widely regarded, by professional players as well as the general public, as the Father of Card Counting. It was in his book, Beat the Dealer, first published in 1962, that he presented his Ten-Count system, the first powerful winning blackjack system ever made available to the public. All card-counting systems in use today are variations of Thorp's Ten-Count. When
Blackjack Hall Of Fame - Keith Taft
Keith Taft is not well known to the general public, but professional blackjack players know him as an electronics genius who has spent more than thirty years devising high-tech equipment-computers, video cameras, and communication devices - to beat the casinos. Blackjack was his initial and prime target. His first blackjack computer, which he completed in 1972, weighed fifteen pounds. Over
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Global Chat Forums The Friendly Discussion Forums
Everyone should know about Internet Message Boards or we know the terms as Internet forums, there's many benefit in joining a discussion forums, the first things is we can add many new friends which has the same interest like us. for example if we like to play an online games, why don't we join a game forum in the internet so we can discuss anything about the games and also we can add a new
Model Persia paling Kontroversial Aylar Lie
Negeri Persia memang memiliki banyak sekali wanita cantik, khususnya di republik islam iran. kecantikan khas wanita timur tengah di bangsa persia ini seakan tercoreng akibat ulah seorang model bernama Aylar Lie.Pernah dengar nama ini?? Aylar Lie alias Sharareh Dianati adalah model berdarah persia (Iran) yang berkiprah di norwegia dan sempat menjadi Miss Norwegia pada tahun.. namun pada akhirnya
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Best Advanced Home Security by ADT
Several months ago i don't concern too much about my house security, i think there's nothing to worry about. there's no burglar, no robbery or any other bad things that can caused unwanted result to my home. but several weeks ago i start to think about it. because there's a car theft on my neighbor house. i started to think about the advanced security system for my house.after searching in the
Friday, 2 October 2009
Download your favorite Streaming Video with Voydo
It's really fun spending my time by watching the online videos in the internet, especially in Youtube. Youtube is one of my favorite streaming videos sites.As a people who love to watch a new videos at youtube i always searching for the best youtube downloader all over internet, and I've found this great sites which give a great service for every people who love a streaming videos.the name of the
Monday, 28 September 2009
10 Wanita Berpayudara Diatas Normal
Selamat Merayakan Idul Fitri, nah setelah sebulan kita menahan mata untuk tidak melihat yang indah indah bagaimana kalau sekarang varius memberikan sesuatu yang indah di hari ini??Lagi lagi mengenai payudara, memang bagian tubuh wanita yang paling indah ini menarik untuk diperbincangkan, jika beberapa waktu lalu varius pernah memposting mengenai wanita wanita dengan payudara terbesar, lalu
Alasan Menculik Miyabi AKA Maria Ozawa
Lagi lagi Maria Ozawa alias Miyabi, memang nama superstar porno asal jepang ini tidak akan habis untuk dibahas, selain memang lagi hot setelah kabar rencana kedatangannya ke indonesia untuk membintangi film "menculik miyabi" Maria Ozawa adalah salah satu topik paling hangat dan favorit di internet saat ini. begitu banyak orang indonesia yang mencari informasi mengenai miyabi alias Maria
Advanced Home Security System by ADT
In this bad economic condition the crime rate was improved whether it's a robbery, a thievery and many more criminal act that will threaten your house security. imagine if you're far away from home and your house was in danger because of those thief. to avoid all those unwanted event i suggest you to try the best home security system by ADT.ADT is no 1 Home Security Company in USA today, with
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Find the Cheapest Pearl Jewelry on Oriental Pearls
Almost every woman loves jewelry, they love many objects of beauty such as pearls.The finest quality natural pearls have been highly valued as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries, and because of this, the word pearl has become a metaphor for something very rare, very fine, very admirable, and very valuable.Unfortunately this kind of beauty jewelry is really expensive, if you want
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Berburu Rejki Paid Review di Linkfromblog
Sepertinya para blogger matre kini semakin kebanjiran pilihan untuk menghasilkan dollar secara online, kini sudah ada lagi program menarik untuk mengumpulkan dollar yaitu Linkfromblog.Sejujurnya saya juga baru mendaftar di program ini dengan alasan sedang mencara oportunitas baru untuk menghasilkan uang dari program paid review. sebelum mengikuti program linkfromblog aldi varius sudah melakukan
Get your Right Channels with My TV Options
Every people love watching TV, all of them need an entertainment after they back from office. but sometimes we feel bored with the local TV channels. do you want to experience the new way of watching TV??Have you ever heard about My TV Options before?? this company was the Satellite Directv dealer. you can choose your desired program with them either a Sports channel, movie channel or even an
Menculik Maria Ozawa vs Menculik Wiandra Devi Ozawa
Masih santer di dunia blogger pembahasan mengenai rencana kedatangan maria ozawa AKA miyabi ke indonesia untuk membintangi film karya raditya dika yang berjudul menculik miyabi. begitu banyak pertentangan dan kontroversi yang terjadi terkait dengan isu tersebut mulai dari pencekalan maria ozawa hingga gossip tentang ustad yusuf mansyur yang ingin menceramahi maria ozawa AKA miyabi.Banyak pendapat
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Shalat Id Ala Superhero | Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri | Selamat Hari Lebaran
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu akbar.. Laa ilaa ha ilallah wallahu akbar.. allahu akbar walillahilham.. Begitulah Kumandang Takbir yang menggema di malam idul fitri yang selalu dikumandangkan oleh umat muslim diseluruh dunia. Di malam yang Fitri ini Izinkanlah Saya Aldi Varius untuk Mengucapkan Taqaballahu Minna wa Minkum Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin Mohon Maaf Lahir Dan Batin untuk para Blogger
Friday, 18 September 2009
Menculik Miyabi | Maria Ozawa AKA Miyabi Diculik Ke Indonesia
Sepertinya berita mengenai rencana kedatangan maria ozawa AKA miyabi yang akan datang ke indonesia untuk membintangi Film yang berjudul Menculik Miyabi banyak menyedot perhatian dan tanggapan dari berbagai pihak termasuk juga Ustadz Yusuf Mansyur yang kabarnya ingin menasehati Maria Ozawa agar bertobat dan berhenti dari kiprahnya sebagai artis porno terlaris dunia.Maria Ozawa alias Miyabi,
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Romansa di dalam Hati yang Terluka
Cinta terdapat pada setiap jiwa, setiap manusia mendapatkan anugrah berupa cinta. Cinta bersembunyi di dalam palung hati terdalam manusia, bagaimana untuk mewujudkan cinta adalah suatu hal yang patut kita gali. Ungkapan pertama saya bahwa cinta terdapat di setiap jiwa, walaupun dalam kegelapan namun cahaya cinta tetap ada. Romansa akan tetap menyala walau dalam kegelapan dan suasana hati yang
Payout dari Shareapic = LAMA!!!
Siapa sih yang tidak senang mengetahui bahwa account shareapic nya sudah bisa di cairkan.. namun sayang seribu sayang ternyata pencairan dana dari shareapic memakan waktu yang amat sangat lama.. yah dari pemberitahuan yang saya dapat dari forum shareapic bahwa payment yang sudah di request baru akan dibayarkan ke account paypal kita 30 hari semenjak kita merequest payout.Huh sungguh menjengkelkan
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
My TV Option for the Best Satelite TV Providers
Every people need an entertainment in their home to release the stress after working and do many activities. watching TV is one of the best option for that. moreover if you try a Direct TV. as the best Satellite TV Providers. My TV Options give you many great options, one of them is Movie Options, HDR Channel or many other great options. where you can enjoy more than 50 channels with an
Buying Camera Online for Photographer
A Camera should be a vital things for every photographers. beside for a hobby those camera was a life for them because they can earn some money from their hobby. moreover if they was a journalist. nowadays there's many great camera models in the world either for a digital camera or a Digital SLR camera. where is the best place for buying all of them?? if you want to get it fast and buy the camera
Keuntungan dan Resiko Memiliki Payudara Besar
Payudara adalah bagian tubuh wanita yang menjadi idola para lelaki, payudara menjadi fantasi seksual pria terbesar, umumnya para pria melirik wanita berpayudara besar, entah itu di bioskop, di mall ataupun di restoran. sudah menjadi hal yang lumrah bagi seorang pria untuk membandingkan payudara wanita. nah beberapa bulan yang lalu di Varius pernah membahas
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Brief Information about Debt Consolidation
Many people with bad credit history usually takes a debt consolidation loans to pay off their credits. but anyway what is debt consolidation. in the brief explanation given from it was said that debt consolidation is a technique to gathering all of your credit card debt, loans and other unsecured loans into a single loan to pay, so you can pay all your debt in a single loan
Get your Safety Equipment in Discount Safety Gear
"Safety First" all the people will say like that too. in all works we have to think about the safety first is that right??Every people need a safety equipment for their activities. especially for those who work in the construction area. the people who work there usually wear a bump cap. not only for those who work in the construction but every people who work in the factory, and also people who
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Hamilnya Sheila Marcia - Siapa yang Menghamili Sheila Marcia ??
Mungkin publik indnesia sekarang sedang heboh membicarakan tentang siapakah sebenarnya yang menghamili sheila marcia?? beberapa pekan lalu sheila marcia kembali menetap di hotel prodeo akibat kasus narkoba nya.. wah kalau saya jadi orang tua sheila marcia sih saya sudah pasti akan menggantungnya karena beberapa kali membuat malu nama keluarga mulai dari kasus narkoba nya dan juga kasus kehamilan
What is in the pipeline for reform of health care?
The new Administration is taking over facing an unprecedented economic crisis. The country is already deep in debt and proposes to spend billions more to help prevent a long-lasting recession. Looking overseas, the war in Iraq still has eighteen months to run and there is no end to the war in Afghanistan in sight. So some would argue this is not a good time to start proposing major changes to
Friday, 11 September 2009
Kopi Bisa Bikin Kualitaas Sperma Buruk
PRIA yang menyimpan kebiasaan meminum kopi tampaknya sudah mulai waspada. Pasalnya, kopi memberikan kontribusi besar untuk mengurangi sperma kaum pria.Menurut berita yang dilansir The Sun, majalah New Scientist merilis informasi bahwa zat kimia dalam kafein dapat mengurangi jumlah sperma. Zat dimaksud adalah phytoestrogen, yaitu zat kimia yang berasal dari tanaman. Untuk mencegah efek buruk dari
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Mortgage Loans for Your Housing Needs
Owning a house should be everyone's dream but in this hard economic conditions it seems that we have to struggle harder to get those dream. but don't worry if you need that house as soon as possible why don't you borrow a money in the bank to make your dream house come true??Nowadays there are many types of loans and with different purposes. Like the mortgage loans. mortgage loans is a loan that
Plasma Sperm Alat untuk Mengecek Kekuatan Sperma Anda
Kami pernah membahas satu produk dari Jepang yang sangat "aneh" yaitu KOKOPYU, semacam kaca pembesar portabel untuk melihat aktifitas atau kinerja dari sperma.Nah, yang satu ini, Plasma Sperm mempunyai fungsi yang hampir sama dengan KOKOPYU kecuali pembesaran bisa dilakukan sampai 1200x (sedangkan KOKOPYU hanya 1000x).Alat ini memang berguna bagi sebagian orang, terutama pasangan yang belum
Which is better, playing in a casino or playing online?
There's one game that will forever be associated with casinos - it's not called the "king of casino games" for nothing. The reason? Perhaps it's the simplicity. Someone spins the wheel, releases the ball, "Where will it fall? No-one knows!" There's the noise as the ball is thrown against the direction of spin. It rolls around the wood framing the the wheel, slowly losing momentum, edging down
Gambling in the US
The legislature in Delaware has just approved a new law expanding the gambling opportunities in that state. It was almost immediately signed into law by the Democratic Governor who is looking at a major hole in the state budgets and needs additional revenue to help fill it. The new law is intended to allow table games, i.e. blackjack, craps and the "King of Casino Games", to be played at the
What is a Rake Race?
The rake is that drip, drip of fees deducted from every pot you play (and, sometimes, from the entry fees you pay for tournaments or other "special events"). All the regular players who get into the action in the small to medium sized pots have already signed up for a rebate. To add extra excitement to those players, some sites run races - usually over a calendar month - awarding points for
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Comparing The Best Hosting Sites at Findmyhosting
It's not be a secret anymore if every people who want to start their own website either it for a personal website or sometimes we call it's a blog or even for a commercial website must have a domain name and also the place to store all their files and data or in the other word we can call it a hosting sitesBefore finding a best hosting place we need to do a research about the quality of the
Credit rating won’t affect your loan!
Everybody knows loans can be different. It is also clear that there are many types of loans that could be suitable for this or that client. There are loans that are called unsecured and those are sold for the particular restriction of lenders as known as unsecured borrowings and so on. But what if there to do if you simply need a loan of a couple hundred dollars and you need it right now?
Monday, 7 September 2009
Lawrence Revere - Blackjack Hall of Fame
Lawrence Revere was both a serious player and talented author. He died in 1977. His only book, Playing Blackjack as a Business, initially published in 1969, is still in print. If you look at the "true count" methods that was employed pre-Revere, you will see why Revere's name was placed into the hall of fame. The earlier methods were cumbersome and mentally fatiguing to use. In the second
Max Rubin - Blackjack Hall Of Fame
Max is the author of Comp City, first published in 1994, with an expanded second edition published in 2002. In this groundbreaking book, Max exposed techniques even non-counting players could use to get an advantage over the casinos using weaknesses in the casinos' comp systems. This information came from his years of experience in the industry as a dealer, pit boss, and casino manager. Max
Things to think about when shopping for insurance
It is all too easy to run your life on autopilot. You managed to get up into the air on your own as you came into adulthood. You punched in the destination code and then clicked the switch. Life was up above the clouds, running swift and true across the skies. Decisions were made by routine. Nothing changed because the machine was in charge and it was steering you to your destination. Then a
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Now the Obama Administration is proposing big changes
Ambition is a wonderful thing when it pays off. How many times have we watched a slugger walk up to the plate, look the pitcher in the eye, and lift an arm to point where the ball is going to land somewhere in the next state, only to strike out? Well, the new President has just stepped up to the plate. We have the TARP bailout plan carried over from the last Administration. The new Stimulus
Is rakeback poker for me?
The general answer is probably yes. Every player pays some rake no matter which version of poker is played and no matter how the game is played. But the choice is individual. The majority of people in the online poker rooms only play the game for fun. They are just looking to get the maximum enjoyment out of their gambling dollars. Most will not know about the rake and have no immediate interest
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Gadis Kanibal Pemakan Daging Sendiri dari Situbondo
Gadis Asal Situbondo Hobi Makan Dagingnya SendiriPredikat manusia kanibal tak hanya dimiliki Sumanto. Di Jawa Timur lebih hebat lagi, lantaran yang menjadi manusia kanibal masih berusia 19 tahun, yakni Ningsih, yang tinggal di Dusun Gumuk, Desa Gelung, Kecamatan Panarukan, Situbondo. Sejak balita dia sudah hobi makan dagingnya sendiri. Bagaimana bisa?Ningsing tinggal di rumah yang begitu
Friday, 4 September 2009
What is the rake?
There are many things that make poker the best game to play - more skill, more fun - but the key advantage is that you are up against the other players around the table and, over time, the best players will win as the luck evens out and the skill takes over. Unlike blackjack and the other table games, there's no house edge to give the casino operator a guaranteed percentage. You take your
Life for drivers in Massachusetts stays fair
When you live in a capitalist country, it's easy to think that free market competition keeps the consumer safe. If anything goes wrong, the consumer can simply change to another supplier and, at a stroke, the problem is solved. Except life does not have to work in a fair way. When large insurance corporations are looking to make a profit to keep their shareholders happy, they do not think of
When does gender matter behind the wheel?
There's a sobering saying, "The female of the species is more deadly than the male." It first surfaced in a poem by Rudyard Kipling and achieved international recognition through the "shock shock horror" song by Space. Taken literally when applied to humanity, it suggests women are more likely to kill you than men. Except, when it comes to driving, this is almost certainly not true. There's a
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Gairah Seks Menyimpang - Nymphomaniac
Pernah dengar istilah ini, nggak? Bagi orang awam yang sedikit ngeh, nymphomania sering disamakan sebagai keadaan saat seorang wanita yang tahan bercinta dengan siapa saja selama berjam-jam tanpa kenal lelah.Menurut istilah medis, nymphomania tidak dapat disamakan dengan sifat seseorang yang senang bersanggama tanpa pilih-pilih pasangan. Seorang wanita bisa saja hobi berhubungan seks dengan siapa
Raise your income with Basic Strategy Plus
While you might gain in during one particular day, in the long you will probably grind yourself down if you play long and often enough. An enhanced basic strategy - also called Basic Strategy Plus - is essential for you to accelerate from being an average player to being a serious recreational player who has better chanced to win over the long periods. To lower the small edge against you with
Types of cash loans
If you are looking for some cash loan there are several forms out there on the market that you can apply for. If you know the difference between each type of loan, it can save you much time and use the financial scheme that suits your exact needs. In general, these types of loans are divided into two major categories: retail and internet lending. Outside these two major categories there are
Spotting flood-damaged cars
When you have your car captured by flood, you might be thinking once it gets dry it will simply be delivered to the salvage yard. Well, lets consider this possibility in detail. You don't need some special education recognizing a car damaged by flood. If the car was staying out in the sun and it's doors were closed, its interior will be having a strong mildewed smell. Bad aromas appear due to
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
15 Anak pun Bisa Bahagia!!!
Setiap harinya keluarga Jeub tidak pernah sepi disebabkan pasangan Chris Jeub dan Wendy Jeub ini dikarunia 15 orang anak. Kesemuanya tinggal di satu atap di Colorado, Amerika Serikat. Meski demikian penghuni rumah ini tetap akur saja.Sebagaimana diberitakan Xinhua, Kamis (23/7) pasutri ini dikaruni 15 anak dan meski demikian mereka mengaku hidupnya tetap bahagia dan menerima itu kehadiran anak
Friday, 28 August 2009
Mbah Google Merayakan Ultah Michael Jackson ke 51
Seperti kita tahu hari ini tepatnya tanggal 29 agustus merupakan hari kelahiran sang legenda king of pop Michael Jackson.. Menurut gosip yang beredar jenazah Michael jackson akan dimakamkan tepat pada ulang tahunnya yang ke 51 alias tepat pada hari ini. apakah ini benar atau cuma sekedar gosip saja?? entahlah yang pasti pagi ini ketika membuka Google saya terpana melihat logo Google yang
Wanita Dalam Sudut Pandang Ilmiah
Wanita adalah Mahluk tuhan yang memiliki tingkat perasaan lebih besar daripada tingkat rasionya, wanita juga merupakan sosok keindahan ciptaan tuhan.Jika ingin dibicarakan secara ilmiah atau secara ilmu pengetahuan maka Wanita itu bisa kita ibaratkan seperti berikut ini..Sifat Bahan : Berbahaya, Explosif, dan Korosif (terutama terhadap uang)Nama Unsur : WanitaSimbol : WaMassa Atom : Berkisar 40
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Buying Car DVD players and Car GPS Online
Every car lovers usually want to give a great audio/video device in their car, but sometimes we don't have enough time to go to the shop and choose the gadget one by one. in this modern day you don't need to go out from your house just to get something. you can get everything in the internet!! but how about the car audio accessories??don't worry about that anymore. now you can find everything
Tutorvista as the Great Algebra Online Tutoring
Algebra is a branch of mathematics concerning the study of the of operations and the things which can be constructed from them including terms, polynomials, equations and algebraic structures. Together with geometry, analysis, combinatorics, and number theory, algebra is one of the main branches of pure mathematics.
As we know algebra was really useful in our daily life this science was really
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Finding Highly Fashionable Glasses
Where to find a fashionable glasses in the internet with a cheap price? now you don't need to worry about that anymore.How You Can Start Spending Smart?? that's really a great question.. you can find $ 8 Rx eyeglasses on Zenni Optical. really cheap right??not only cheap but you can also find a great fashionable glasses in zenni optical, let's say if you wear a purple shirt sometimes you will need
Residential Fire Safety by using ADT Securiry System
Nowadays people should be aware with their home security, since now there's many criminal out there such as burglary, robbery and also the fire, now you don't have to worry about that anymore, because now ADT security system offering you a great technology to prevent a fire at your house. with an ADT monitored alarms you don't need to worry anymore because that will ring when your house is in
Monday, 24 August 2009
Tips for playing online roulette
When you look at the welcome bonus and all the other benefits from joining an online casino, playing online has real advantages over the real world alternatives. Because the virtual operation does not need a major building and significant number of people to run the games, all that saving can go into financial benefits for members. If you play regularly enough and qualify for VIP membership,
Kebun Binatang Paling Kontroversial di Dunia
Tentunya di saat liburan tiba banyak dari kita yang suka untuk berwisata ke kebun binatang, entah itu di taman safari atau ragunan atau kebun binatang lainnya. masih ingat dengan kasus manusia yang tewas di cakar macan??Sekarang Varius ingin mengajak kalian semua untuk jalan jalan ke Kebun Binatang paling kontroversial di dunia sekaligus Kebun Binatang Paling Berbahaya di Dunia. Letaknya ada di
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Kota Kota Terbaik di Seluruh Dunia
Kota Kota maksiat di dunia sudah pernah di bahas sebelumnya, kota kota neraka juga sudah, begitu juga dengan puing puing kota bawah laut, lalu juga Kota Kota Terkotor di Dunia nah bagaimana kalau hari ini kita berwisata ke Kota Kota Terbaik di Dunia ini??Pernahkah anda berpikir tentang kota apa sih yang terbaik di dunia?? kota kota metropolitan apa yang paling maju di dunia?? nah ini adalah
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Binatang Tercepat Di Dunia
Yuk kita kembali mengupas mengenai dunia binatang, jika sebelumnya kita sudah membahas mengenai binatang paling tangguh di dunia, sekarang kita akan lanjutkan dengan binatang tercepat di dunia.Binatang tercepat yang dimaksud di sini adalah binatang yang memegang rekor sebagai tercepat di darat, udara, dan juga air. Sepertinya semua juga sudah tahu ya kalau rekor balap lari alias adu kecepatan
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Owning a Web Hosting for Online Business
Starting an online business might be the right choice in this hard economic situation, you don't have to spend a big amount of money to start this online business, all you need is owning your own website, that means you have to register your domain name on the domain registrant service such as go daddy or, this domain will be your URL address so everyone could easily remember your domain
Friday, 14 August 2009
Master Yoga Berusia Lanjut - Bette Calman
Kembali membahas mengenai nenek nenek nih, dulu sudah pernah kita tampilkan disini mengenai nenek edan yang rela bugil demi amal, lalu ada nenek yang dengan PD nya masih menggunakan Silikon di penghujung hidupnya dan juga ada nenek genit yang menikah dengan pemuda berusia 37 tahun. Hmm.. kali ini yang akan kita bahas adalah seorang nenek super yang telah berusia 83 tahun namun masih lincah berkat
Monday, 10 August 2009
Sepeda Amphibi yang Bisa Berjalan di Air
Memang dunia ini penuh dengan orang kreatif, jika dahulu di blog varius-opinion pernah saya bahas tentang hotel terbang, lalu ada Kereta jet dan juga Bra yang kreatif, nah kali ini Kami kembali dengan keunikan dan ide kreatif lainnya. yaitu Sepeda Amphibi.Sepeda Amphibi yang berasal dari china ini bisa jadi merupakan sebuah alat transportasi revolusioner yang bisa dipakai untuk mode transportasi
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Six tips for efficient small business credit card superintendence
With the increasing abundance of credit cards for small business and ever changing costs of money, now is the time to examine the six tips for efficient small business credit card superintendence. We've got into a new age of small business credit. New abilities apply, but credit backlog still has to be neared cautiously. Over two thirds of small businesses employ a credit card for
Saturday, 8 August 2009
What’s the recession doing to the insurance industry?
When you're sitting at home worrying about the mounting pile of bills to pay, it's easy to lose sight of the big picture. Fact is, just as you're in a new world of hurt, there are other people hurting as well. In this case, the people are the inventors in the insurance industry. They all bought shares in these big corporations when the prices were high, never thinking that the world could
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Prosesi Penguburan Ala Badut
Pernahkah anda menghadiri prosesi penguburan teman, kolega, sahabat atau keluarga anda yang telah pergi mendahului kita?? saya rasa semuanya pasti pernah.. biasanya prosesi penguburan kalau di sinetron sinetron itu biasanya orang menggunakan baju hitam hitam untuk berkabung, tapi pernahkah anda melihat orang berkabung menggunakan kostum badut?? Badut itu identik dengan lucu dan menghibur namun
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Sell the hummer, buy a hybrid?
With the price of gas rising, more people driving hummers are finding visits to fill the tank an expensive business. It's tempting to think of trading in the guzzler and buying a hybrid. A Toyota Prius, for example, will give you not less than 45 miles per gallon - drive it carefully and you'll do a lot better. Better still some of the hybrids qualify for a federal tax incentive. The
Tommy Hyland - Blackjack Hall of Fame
Tommy began playing blackjack in 1978 while still in college. That was also the year he formed his first informal "team." He's never looked back. For more than twenty-five years, he has been running the longest-lasting and most successful blackjack team in the history of the game. He and his friends have played in casinos all over the U.S., Canada, and the world. He has used big player techniques
Anvantages of gambling online when it comes to blackjack
While gambling in the end it all comes to one simple notion: either you win or you lose, which is true with almost all the vast selection of casino games. And there is no way you can go around it with any given strategy. Still, there is one casino game where this rule can be avoided and there are real working ways if you have the right strategy for the game. Though in natural blackjack
Monday, 3 August 2009
Mbah Surip Meninggal Dunia
Innalilahi wa ina lilahi rajiun.. Telah berpulang ke rahmatullah Mbah Surip.. si pelantun tembang Tak gendong Kemana mana"Tak gendong kemana mana" siapa yang ga hapal dengan lagu nyentrik itu?? Yah Mbah surip pencipta lagu tak gendong kemana mana telah menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya.. saya juga terkejut mendengar berita ini yang dilansir dari detik news. Mbah Surip telah meninggal dunia..
Sunday, 2 August 2009
The best way to use payday advances
What's the deal with payday advances and why would you need one? If you have asked this question a couple of times lately, this article is just the thing you need to get a better understanding of the subject. Payday advances are a relatively new financial instrument that is used to provide emergency financing in situations when additional cash is needed fast. In essence it's like a financial
Payday loans - the ultimate in emergency crediting
Commercials for payday loans make them appear like a quick, simple, sensible way to receive finances when you're in a fiscal bind. They tell you that receiving $100 is as simple as showing a latest ticket stub, your driving license copy, or a blank check. They don't tell that for a lot of people, returning that $100 might end up in months, or even years, and coming to thousands of dollars to
Certain things to consider doing before the first snows come
* Perform a seasonal check of your car with a certified and experienced mechanic. See if your tires are inflated enough and have a good grip of the road, check your antifreeze, defrost and heating systems, setup new wiper blades if necessary and see if your brakes are working properly. * Make sure to have the following items in your car during the winter season: ice scraper, cell phone, snow
Avoiding credit card's most expensive surcharge
It is well known that lot of credit cards have the right of substantially raising rates in case one misses a payment, or commits any other financial fault. Just lay on your car loan or a mortgage. Pay off your electric bills. Transcend your credit limit. Permit rating of your credit to get lower of what the credit card company supposes an acceptable level or be considered to be bearing too
Mobil Unik ala Semangka
Suka buah semangka?? semangka adalah salah satu buah yang mempunyai kandungan gizi yang baik seperti.....nah jika anda memang penggemar semangka pastinya anda akan jatuh cinta setelah melihat mobil unik ini yang berbentuk mirip sekali dengan semangka, bayangkan saja lihat cat di bagian bodynya yang bertekstur semangka dan juga bagian interiornya yang juga berwarna merah dan ada sedikit sentuhan
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Juara Dunia Fitness Wanita - Maria Kuzmina
Masih ingat dengan tammy jones?? itu loh seorang binaragawati yang berotot baja dan bertubuh bongsor.. nah jika anda sudah ingat yuk kita lanjutkan dengan binaragawati lainnya, namanya adalah Maria kuzmina, Maria Kuzmina ini adalah Juara Dunia Wanita untuk Fitness dan Bodybuilding. Tidak seperti kebanyakan binaragawati yang hanya mengandalkan ototnya dan berwajah seram dan sangar, Maria Kuzmina
Enjoy your Favorite Football on Direct TV
Every sports lover might be has an enthusiasm to watch their favorite teams either it watch them live on the field or either watch them live on TV. but unfortunately, not all TV station will broadcast all your favorite teams match. so what is the best solution for you??Don't worry about that anymore now you can enjoy your Favorite Sports team on Direct TV program. let's say if you was the
Monday, 27 July 2009
How to Eliminating Debt
Debt Consolidation Loans, what are your first impression when you hear that word?? Debt Consolidation Loans are one method people are using to find some relief and that is good news for the entire population. Using the personal debt consolidation loan means you will get a loan that will in turn pay off all of your debts leaving you with one single payment that will take care of everythingDebt
Online Casinos for Beginner
Every Year the number of internet users was growing fast, all the people use internet for many purposes such as to gather the information, for searching the entertainment news and also to gather the way to earn money online, there's many way to get money online, one of them was by joining into the Online CasinosBefore you jump into the Online Casinos world, you have to read everything about that.
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Silikon di Penghujung Usia sang Nenek
Wah Zaman benar benar sudah edan, dunia memang sudah gila, World Must Be Crazy, waduh apalagi ya yang harus saya katakan disini.. Masih ingatkah anda dengan nenek nenek yang melakukan aksi bugil demi amal yang beberapa minggu lalu telah terposting disini?? atau juga aksi mesum seorang pelukis yang melukis bugil putrinya?? nah kali ini saya akan suguhkan aksi gila alias nyeleneh nenek nenek
Friday, 24 July 2009
Searching a High Quality Glasses on Zenni Optical
Back to school session was coming, now its the best time to buy your lovely children a new prescription glasses. you don't have to worry about the expensive price offered at the optic shop in your town. now you can get a stylish high quality glasses without spending much money. Do you know where to buy the cheap high quality glasses??The answer is at Zenni Optical. Zenni Optical offering you $ 8
Thursday, 23 July 2009
AirgunDepot the Best Place for looking a Gun
Do you love a shooting sports?? if so you must be an experienced shooter. because this is a dangerous sports for a beginner. we have to practice it for long.need a new airsoft guns for your hobby?? There's a great place to looking for an air gun For those who love a shooting sports, those place was in AirgunDepot. where you can find the high quality airguns with affordable price. they have very
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Rumah Besar untuk Pasangan yang Punya 17 Anak
Zaman dahulu para orang orang tua kita biasanya memiliki anak lebih dari 7, mungkin banyak diantara teman teman yang mempunyai 4 saudara, 5 saudara, begitu juga dengan zaman kakek kita yang biasanya memiliki 9 anak, 10 anak hingga 15 anak. nah kali ini ada sesuatu yang asik nih.. yaitu pasangan yang memiliki 17 orang anak dengan rumah mereka yang super besar..Jika anda melihatnya sekilas, maka
Looking for an Address Plaque in the Net
There's many way to personalized your house. either it by using the unique architecture for your house until using a small accessories like an address plaque in front of your house. Even This address plaque has a small size but it plays a big role to personalized your house.You have to be careful when looking for your home address plaques. you have to choose the right type that suitable with your
Smart Protection System for your house by ADT
The Last holiday my family was go to a long trip to Singapore to enjoying our holidays, we left our home with a happy feeling, we don't need to worry about our home security anymore. because we use an advanced Home Security system from All Home Security with their Newest Smart system protection. now we can easily differs our pet or intruders in our house. before this. the home protection system
Monday, 20 July 2009
Bom dan Pasca Bom - Jangan Menyerah Indonesiaku, Jangan Menyerah Blogger Indonesia
Bom yang meledak di Ritz Carlton hotel dan JW marriot pada hari jumat lalu tentu saja membawa duka bagi seluruh bangsa indonesia umumnya dan para korban khususnya.. begitu banyak air mata duka yang menetes akibat kebiadaban orang orang tidak bertanggung jawab yang melakukan bom bunuh diri disana. kecewa menyelimuti para pendukung MU yang telah menantikan kedatangan dari klub pujaan mereka
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Gina Carano - Thaiboxer Wanita Paling Hot
Siapa bilang bahwa petarung wanita itu biasanya adalah wanita jelek dan sangar?? memang paradigma orang biasanya pegulat wanita atau thaiboxer wanita adalah wanita buruk rupa dan berbadan kekar. tapi tidak semuanya seperti itu, buktinya pegulat pegulat WWE, masih banyak pegulat wanita yang cantik di WWE seperti Maria Kannelis, Stacy Keibler dan lain sebagainya.Nah pada kesempatan kali ini,
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Experience High Speed Internet by Hughes Net Service
In this modern day internet play a big role in our life, such as for business, for an update news and also for socialize with our friends via the social networking sites, several month ago i use dial up internet to do all the task in the internet such as business and socialize, but sometimes i feel that the internet connection was so slow and i have to wait a long time just to open a streaming
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Binatang Binatang Paling Tangguh di Bumi
Pernahkah kalian berpikir tentang binatang apa yang terkuat di dunia ini? apakah gajah? atau singa si raja hutan?? Sebenarnya binatang yang dimaksud tangguh disini adalah binatang binatang yang mampu bertahan dalam keadaan yang paling ekstrim sekalipun misalnya hidup di dataran yang amat sangat tinggi, hidup dalam suhu yang amat sangat dingin maupun suhu yang amat sangat panas..Subhanallah Maha
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Girls Swimwear for Summer Vacation
Do you like to go to the beach?? in this summer season there's many people want to go to the beach just to spend their summer holiday, in the beach you can see many beautiful woman wearing a swimwear walking around you.. if you have a good looking girlfriend or maybe fiancee or either wife with a proportional body, why don't you buy them a beachwear so they can wear it when you go to the beach
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Gaya Fashion Zaman Modern
Hmm... masih ingat dengan trend gaya monyet tahun 2009 dimana para kera menggunakan aksesoris unik yang pernah dibahas sebelumnya?? Penasaran dengan bagaimana gaya fashion dunia di zaman modern?? ini ada oleh oleh dari Miami beberapa minggu lalu saat revarius jalan jalan hehehe bercanda kok..Jika Anda berada di jalan dan disuguhi tontonan fashion show semacam ini, apa yang anda lakukan?? apakah
Thursday, 9 July 2009
High Quality Cheap Glasses from Zenni Optical
Do you want to buy a new prescription glasses for your lovely children with an affordable price?? i'm sure that every people want to think smart by taking the cheapest things with a high quality products. if you always think that the fashionable glasses was expensive and you can't afford it. now you don't have to worry about that anymore. you can get the high quality products from Zenni Optical
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Sharedimages vs Shareapic - Pilih mana?
Sebagai Blogger Matre tentunya anda pasti sudah akrab dengan dua situs seperti Shareapic dan Sharedimages. keduanya adalah situs situs hosting gambar yang membayar anggotanya jika melakukan sharing terhadap gambar yang sudah di upload di situs mereka.. Misalnya Anda memiliki sebuah gambar atau katakanlah 1 folder berisi gambar.. dan anda membuat 1 gallery di shareapic maupun sharedimages untuk
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Blackberry dan Kelemahannya - Kekurangan Blackberry
Blackberry tengah menyerbu di negara kita ini, brand yang dibuat oleh ... kini tengah menjadi trend di masyarakat. begitu banyak model blackberry yang beredar di masyarakat kita ini. tidak hanya Javelin, Bold ataupun Curve.Namun tahukah anda Blackberry yang kita unggul unggulkan juga memiliki kelemahan?? apa saja sih kelemahan blackberry??BlackBerry adalah perangkat genggam nirkabel yang memiliki
Friday, 3 July 2009
Aksi Protes Unik - Lempar Bra ke Udara
Sekumpulan orang berkumpul dan melakukan demo sudah biasa kita lihat atau juga mungkin kita pernah ikutan, aksi mogok makan pun kerap kali kita dengan sebagai aksi protes terhadap suatu kebijakan. namun sepertinya tidak ada aksi protes atau aksi unjuk rasa seunik ini, yah orang orang ini melakukan unjuk rasa dengan melemparkan Bra ke udara..Mereka adalah pekerja pabrik di Triumph International
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Panduan Belajar Gitar Untuk Pemula - Membaca Tablatur
Ingin Menjadi Gitaris sehebat Paul Gilbert ataupun Steve Vai?? tentunya tidaklah mudah untuk menjadi seorang dewa gitar, terlebih lagi bila anda belum mempunyai basic dan dasar dasar permainan gitar. maka dari itu untuk kesempatan kali ini saya akan tuliskan beberapa panduan dasar dalam bermain gitar.Semua pemula tentunya harus mempelajari dasar dasar gitar, mulai dari cara penyeteman yang benar,
Monday, 29 June 2009
Lebih Pantas Jadi Caleg atau jadi Artis??
Menjadi Caleg inilah impian sebagian masyarakat kita sekarang(setidaknya saat awal awal pemilu kemarin) masyarakat entah itu dari kalangan artis maupun sipil berlomba untuk merebut kursi legislatif di DPR. mulai dari pria hingga wanita, dari yang jujur sampai yang menggunakan politik uang. semuanya berlomba untuk mendapatkan kursi di DPR maupun DPRD..Kira kira wanita cantik ini lebih pantas jadi
Important Tools for Blogging
Blogging is the way how we express our opinion about anything in purpose to let the world know what are we thinking about, actually as a blogger i start blogging a year ago and try to give my best in blogging. but how to be a great blogger?? to be a great blogger of course you need to own a blog.. you can make your free blog on blogspot or choose a self hosted wordpress blog.after you make a
Benefits of Web Directories in Growing your Business Website
What is the purpose of every website in the world?? the first thing is to bring a lot of traffic to their website especially if you make your own business website, because good traffic will bring you great income in advance. but however it's a little bit hard to get a massive source of traffic to your website, actually there's many ways you can try to bring a lot of traffic to your website,
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Enhance Your Sexual Life with Penis Extender
Size Does Matter!! that's a true myth, every woman will prefer the big and longer penis size than the small and short one, to lead a happy sexual life sometimes a man will think about their sexual organs, is it adequate for their couples?? so how to enlarge penis anyway? have you heard about the method to enhance penis size??If you were the man with a small penis size, now don't shy and don't
Friday, 26 June 2009
Online Tickets for Your Favorite Events
I found it very difficult to find a tickets for a particular event, whether it's a music concert, a sports match or the other exciting event. for some reasons i prefer to buy the tickets online because it will save my time a lot.As a sport lover especially a basketball lover, i have a favorite teams, that was Boston Celtics. as their biggest fans i usually need to know the news about them,
Kota Kota Termaksiat di Dunia
Dahulu kita pernah membahas mengenai kota kota neraka di dunia yang dengan detail menjelaskan tipe neraka apa yang ada di dalam suatu kota. begitu juga dengan kota kota terkotor di dunia.namun kini kita akan kembali menyusuri kota kota lainnya. kali ini dikenal dengan sebutan Kota Paling Maksiat di Muka bumi ini.. ingin tau kota apa saja yang termasuk di dalam list Kota Paling Maksiat di Atas
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Searching for a Best Myrtle Beach Resort
This is the best time for searching about the best place for our holiday, this mid year holiday might be wonderful in Myrtle Beach Resort. myrtle beach was one of the most beautiful beach in south Carolina which is also the best place to spend your holidays, Myrtle beach was listed into one of the top domestic tourist destinations in the continental United States.If you have a plan to spend your
Michael Jackson Meninggal Dunia - Goodbye King of Pop
Michael Jackson yang lebih dikenal sebagai king of pop akhirnya meninggal dunia di usia ke 50 tahun, michael meninggal dunia di Los AngelesMichael Jackson Meninggal Dunia - Michael Jackson, mantan bintang cilik yang menanjak menjadi Raja Pop dunia yang selama beberapa dekade mengguncang dunia dengan lagu-lagu berirama ceria penuh tarian, meninggal dunia Kamis waktu AS (Jumat dini hari WIB) di
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Strategi Bisnis Online - Strategi Memulai Bisnis Online
Begitu banyak sekarang iklan yang tampil di internet untuk menghasilkan uang secara online, cara cepat menjadi kaya, bisnis online, internet marketing dan sebagainya, mulai dari yang sampah, hype hingga yang benar adanya.. namun sayang banyak sekali orang yang melakukan kesalahan sebelum berbisnis di internet ini. Mulai dari Sifat Ingin Cepat mendapat hasil tanpa melakukan proses.. Ingat tidak
Monday, 22 June 2009
Tickets for Your Favorite Sports team
As a sports lover i usually try to spend my leisure time to watch my favorite team live at the stadium, actually i love a basketball games, and since i was a kid i was a big fans of Boston Celtics. i remembered when boston still has larry bird and the way Larry play.. i really loves Boston Celtics. not only a basket, but i also like to watch an American football teams.Do you ever heard about
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Ribuan Pengunjung Per Hari?? Pentingkah??
Banyak Blogger yang berambisi meraih traffik sebanyak banyaknya dan berharap akan adanya banjir traffik ke blog mereka. namun apakah semua itu perlu?? perlukah memiliki pengunjung ribuan perhari??Sebenarnya banyak sekali cara mendapatkan pengunjung ribuan per hari. namun saya rasa untuk ukuran blog berbahasa indonesia tidaklah perlu meraih pengunjung hingga ribuan perhari.. 200 pengunjung pun
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Beginers Guide to Online Gambling
Internet really moving so fast, nowadays people use internet for finding a way to making money, there's many models to make money online from internet, one of them is by joining an online casino. you can find many online casino in the internet which is offering you a really amazing bonus if you win. since several days ago i was searching in the internet about Gamblers Lodge, this place was
Monday, 15 June 2009
Hati Hati dengan Ular Berwajah Manusia di Facebook
Facebook suatu situs jaringan sosial yang sekarang menjadi situs paling populer no 1 di indonesia ini memang sangat menarik dan menyenangkan, untuk bersosialisasi, mencari teman dan kerabat yang telah lose contact dan sebagainya.. namun sebagai pribadi saya sangat kecewa dengan facebook. facebook menyediakan beberapa informasi pribadi kita mulai dari status, foto dan juga Nomor telpon.. Jujur
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Looking for a Stainless Steel Sink
My wife was looking for a great sinks for our new kitchen, and while we was searching in the internet about what is the best stainless steel sink, we're looking for the best quality of stainless steel sink with affordable price and easy to clean.. and while we was searching for that we found a great website which is offering various kind of sink such as undermount kitchen sink which is easy to
Best Black Jack Resources
The lovers of casino online games must be familiar with this card games, yeah a black jack card games which is also known as the most famous casino games in the world. and black jack also listed as the widely played card games in the online casino.While i was browsing for the best resource about Blackjack Online i got a great website which is offering you some great tips about how to play
Best Poker Rooms
Love to play an Online Casino?? all the players of online gambling must know and familiar to a poker game. Poker was a kind of card game in the online casino.Nowadays there's many great sites in the internet offering you a free guide about How to Play Poker Online or the advanced Strategy of poker, after spending some times to searching in the internet for a best Poker Rooms i arrived at a great
Friday, 12 June 2009
Enjoying Holidays in Myrtle Beach Resort
In this mid year people usually searching for the best place for traveling, if you were in south Carolina here is the best place you have to visit in this mid year holiday.. have you heard about myrtle beach yet? that was a beautiful beach in south Carolina which is also the best place to spend your holidays, Myrtle beach was listed into one of the top domestic tourist destinations in the
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Misa Campo Si Sexy dari Philipines - Koleksi Foto Hot Misa Campo
Kenalkah anda dengan Misa Campo? Misa campo adalah model berdarah filipina yang sekarang terkenal dan menjadi model di amerika, berbagai pose hot untuk pemotretan majalah telah dilakoni olehnya. Misa Campo pernah dicompare dengan miyabi pada edisi komparasi sebelumnya yang berjudul Miyabi Vs Misa Campo.. nah jika mereka berdua di komparasikan siapa yang anda pilih??Ok terlepas dari Komparasi
Monday, 8 June 2009
Leah Dizon Vs Hwang Mi Hee
Leah Donna dizon siapa sih yang ga kenal dengan nama Leah Dizon gadis (uups salah sekarang sudah bisa dibilang wanita karena dia sudah menikah) cantik dan menawan asal jepang yang berprofesi sebagai model dan penyanyi ini, amat sangat banyak blogger yang mengagumi sosok leah dizon, juga banyak sekali di luar sana di search engine yang mencari koleksi foto hot leah dizon..Kali ini kita akan
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Get your Free Learning reference in CourseHero
Hard to find a social learning network?? if you were a college student who need a free online course especially about economic? so Course Hero was the best place or you to get many learning reference such as free text book. you can download those text book for free!! isn't that a great thing and a great place for finding a great learning network in the internet??The only requirement is to be a
Friday, 5 June 2009
Setengah Abad tanpa Listrik Demi Cinta
Demi Cinta.. Bersandinglah.. Dalam sisi hidupku ini.. Demi CInta berjanjilah... untuk saling setia bersama....Luar Biasa memang.. cinta bisa mengubah segalanya.. membawa nuansa bahagia ke dalam hati setiap insan yang dihinggapinya.. orang mampu berbuat apa saja demi cinta.. dahulu kita pernah dengar kisah cinta buta dari mohd nor dan wok kundur yang berselisih usia lebih dari 50 tahun.. dan juga
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
New Camping Experience by Sycamore Lodge
Several people likes to go camping on their leisure time, by going camping we can refresh our mind after a week of a hard work in office or another hard problems of us. usually people love to go camping with their beloved friends and also joining the camping club in their society.When i was looking for a great camping place in the internet i was found the great offers about camping in sycamore
Monday, 1 June 2009
Shop for Wedding Gifts Online
When you attending your friends or families wedding you should brought a gift for them, actually A gift or a present is the transfer of something, without the need for compensation that is involved in trade. A gift is a voluntary act which does not require anything in return. Even though it involves possibly a social expectation of reciprocity, or a return in the form of prestige or power, a gift
Advance Home Security System
Crime was everywhere, either it's a burglary, a robbery and many more criminal happens in our daily life, not only a crime but someday an accident might also happen to you like the fire or flood.Nowadays protecting your house was really a necessary case there is definitely an increase in number of crimes if you watch the newsdo you feel that your house is secure from that crime??? or the accident
Biografi Seorang Binaragawati - Tammy Jones
Terdengar aneh bukan seorang wanita menekuni cabang olahraga ini?? ya biasanya binaraga hanya di tekuni oleh kaum adam, namun seiring dengan emansipasi wanita pada masa ini, kini wanita pun tidak mau ketinggalan dalam cabang ini.. contohnya adalah tammy jones.Tammy jones sekarang baru berusia 21 tahun.. tammy yang berasal dari amerika ini tertarik dengan cabang binaraga ini sudah sejak lama dan
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Direct TV for Home entertaiment
Several years ago i use a cable television on my home and i only got about 50 channels and i have to pay expensive price, i think that was too expensive for their service, and while i browsing in the internet about the Direct Satellite TV i found they was offering a cheap price with more channels.. just imagine.. you just pay $34.99 per month and you will get more than 150
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Artis Porno Yang Bertobat Ke Jalan yang Benar
Wah lagi lagi artis porno... sepertinya artis porno emang menarik untuk di bahas ya.. mulai dari jalan jalan ke rumah artis porno, membahas tentang gelar akademisnya, artis porno terkaya, artis porno paling hot dan juga orbituari artis porno alias artis porno yang uda meninggal dan sudah jelas masuk neraka tanpa di undi lagi...10 artis porno di bawah ini berhasil melepaskan diri mereka dari
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Bad Credit?? Ask Repairbadcredit
There's many people out there get frustrated with their bad credit and almost all of them didn't know what to do. but no wonder, a loan and a credit is really needed in our daily life now, either it for our daily needs or even for other big things like such as buying a car, a house, paying their family education fee and many others functionsBut what will you do if someday you got a bad credit??
Get Your Chandelier on Farreys
Light and light fixtures now are really important in our daily live, we need a light for our family room, light for our living room until for our garage, and now we can choose many product of lighting fixture for our home,.Have you heard about farreys before?? they give you the best lighting fixtures and many other lighting product for indoor and outdoor lighting product. this company give a
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Gold Bullion Coins for Your Investment
Gold is perhaps the world’s most liquid investment trading throughout the world daily. The market never closes and, as a result, you can buy and sell Gold in any country at any time.For some people owning a gold coin or a bullion coin can make them feel more confident, because all of that coins was pure 24 carat gold.. and will make you look wealth.. if you wanna buy a gold coin or even a gold
Alternatif Mendulang Dollar di Internet tanpa Blog
Sepertinya sudah terlalu banyak artikel yang membahas tentang internet marketing indonesia, mulai dari cara menghasilkan uang di internet, make money online dan semacamnya seperti tips menghasilkan uang dari google adsense, tips bermain review, tips jualan link. hampir semua cara mendapatkan uang di internet itu membutuhkan blog dengan PR yang sudah lumayan dan juga butuh sedikit pemahaman
Monday, 25 May 2009
Zaman Edan - Nenek Nenek Berpose Bugil di Kalender
Kalender umumnya menggunakan gadis gadis cantik dan seksi untuk menjadi modelnya, terkadang juga model model bugil untuk menghiasi kalender dari playboy atau playmate.. nah model cantik bugil di kalender itu sih biasa... kalau cowok yang jadi model kalender?? itu luar biasa dan aneh.. namun kalau nenek nenek bugil demi jadi model majalah?? Inilah yang amat sangat luar biasa...Emang benar benar de
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Haifa Wehbe Simbol Sex Dunia Arab
Siapa bilang arab tidak punya simbol seks?? pernah dengar nama Haifa Wehbe?? haifa adalah penyanyi asal lebanon yang kerap membuat heboh dunia arab dengan gaya penampilannya yang selalu tampil seksi dan terbuka, haifa pernah menjadi miss lebanon di tahun 1996 namun gelar itu di diskualifikasi karena dia terbukti sudah menikah..Sebagai seorang wanita haifa memiliki paras yang amat sangat cantik
Friday, 22 May 2009
Peta Tujuan Wisata Kuliner Jakarta
Berburu makanan enak adalah hobi bagi para pecinta wisata kuliner, mereka tidak segan untuk menyusuri satu watung makan ke warung makan lainnya hanya untuk sekedar menyicipi lezatnya cita rasa dari kuliner di warung makan tersebut. nah untuk anda yang berada di jakarta dan sekitarnya mungkin ini bisa membantu anda untuk mencari dan menyusuri lokasi lokasi asik untuk berwisata kuliner. mulai dari
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Fast Cash Payday Loans Can Help You Find The Solution In Much Faster Way
Faster financial needs can put you in much hassle, as you hardly find any financial help fast enough to get help on time. But it is the financial market that have tried to read the sensitivity of people’s demands and that is why enabling you getting instant financial help even there. Now you are helped with fast cash payday loans in your financial emergency that helps you find the solution in
Online Application For A Cash Loan Is The Best Option
With a cash loan you can avail an amount of £ 100 to £ 1500 according to the requirement. One is required to make the repayment within 2 to 4 weeks. These loans are well known for their quick responsive nature, you will be provided by the money within 24 hours of the application. Cash loan do not ask for the credit check of the borrower, therefore a bad creditor can also avail money easily.
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Kemewahan dan Superioritas Hotel Terbang
Bosan ya datang ke hotel yang biasa biasa saja, Ingin merasakan sesuatu yang baru dalam menginap di hotel?? jika anda ingin merasakan sensasi menginap yang belum pernah anda rasakan sebelumnya maka anda harus coba yang ini.. Hotel Terbang!!Proyek Crisis Crazy berupa hotel terbang ini menggunakan Helikopter M-12 yang merupakan helikopter terbesar dan terberat yang pernah diciptakan.Hotel terbang
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Acobay The New Social Networking with unique Feature
There's many social networking sites on the internet now, there's many people who like to join those social network, and now there's a new social networking sites which is called Acobay.. this social networking sites was still in BETA version but you can join and registered it..What are acobay offer for their member?? the most amazing thing of this acobay sites was you can share all your stuff
Mailboxes for Residence and Commercial use
In the past especially in Europe every house put a mailboxes in the front of their house, but how's for today? especially in Asia country?But before we talked further about this mailboxes, do you know what is exactly the definition of mailboxes?? actually mailbox is a receptacle for receiving incoming mail at a private residence or business.Need a mailboxes for your house?? but you don't have the
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